31. She Helped But...

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Unedited chapter! Let me know the errors.


One set of light was heading towards us from the other end. As it reached so close that my sense let me comprehend that it was a car.

I needed help, an immediate help and only the driver of this car seemed to be only possibility of getting it. Holding my stomach I managed to stand and waved my hand shouting for help.

Car was feet away moving with the constant speed and I thought it wasn't stopping to help but more than three feet past us, it did stop and I breathlessly called for the person.

Door of the car opened to reveal one long leg in heels, no sooner the rich woman walked towards me calmly. "Please help me! Please! " I yelped in pain as she neared me.

She bent over me and I saw her face. I saw her somewhere but I couldn't think of where exactly. Neither I cared now nor my head had any sense to let me think. "He is hurt. Please help to take him hospital."

Her lips twitched for a moment and her face covered with horror, "Dev! Dev! What happened to him?"

She asked me alarmed and it relieved to some extent that she would help as she knew him.

"Th.. Theft!" I managed, shoving everything that happened to concentrate on Dev.

"Arohi wait here while I bring the car." She said walking towards her car. She was so startled at this that her legs shivered all the way.

Rubbing dirt from Dev's face I kissed his forehead," You will be fine! We will be fine. " I tried to console my thumping heart but it only multiplied as I didn't get any reaction from him back. I had wrapped his back of head with the handkerchief which was soaking with blood to freak me more.

" Let's get him inside the car! " She said grabbing Dev's hand. I tried to stand but the painful pang in my stomach made me to sit back. A loud scream escaped my mouth and she looked at me in pity.

" Are you okay? " She asked and I shook my head in positive. She gave me assuring smile before rubbing my tearful cheek.

" You are having stomach pain. " She said to herself glancing it for long. I stroked it to calm myself. Everything will be fine. Baby you will be fine.

She was struggling to make Dev move but he was rock heavy. I too tried to help, wincing in between.

"I couldn't get him inside alone. I am sorry I need your help. " She said looking at my stomach and I smiled at her conscience. There was this woman who was helping me and feeling sorry that I wasn't able to do my part properly.

" I can. I must. " I said as I applied a lot of force with her to push Dev half inside the car. I took a deep breath while Dev's legs hung out and his head on the head.

" Alright. Just the little. " She shoved my hand and pushed Dev inside herself.

" Why you are so heavy? " She said finally tugging him inside the car.

She grabbed my head and I let her help me. I had no energy to walk even. Helping me sit on the front seat, she sat on the driving seat. I took a deep breathe as I watched Dev lying on the back seat.

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