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"I've applied for it. Thank god my roommate's willing to change." Kris sighs in relief as they hang out in Kris's room on Saturday night.

"Who's moving rooms?"

"He is." Kris shudders once again. "You know he's in the top 3 for Who Will Do It Anywhere in my poll."

"Who knows?" Sehun pipes up. "Maybe he did it with someone on your bed once." Kris scowls and throws a pillow at him.

"Who's going to be your new roommate? Joonmyun?" Chanyeol asks, and immediately Kris quietens, his whole expression changed into one of sorrow. He turns until his back is facing them.

"He hasn't recovered." Sehun whispers, and Chanyeol bites his lip, feeling bad. My little Joonmyun! Chanyeol can almost hear Kris wail. What have you done to yourself?

"You know ... it might not be true, right? It's just a speculation ..." Chanyeol points out cautiously, but the lack of response from his friend is terrifying.

Just then, someone knocks at the door and the door opens. Minseok and Lu Han enter with smiles on their faces.

"Hey." The both of them chirp simultaneously as they sit on Kris's bed. Sehun and Chanyeol greet them grimly as Kris totally ignores everything happening in reality.

"So it seems our second club activity is starting tomorrow." Lu Han says as he rolls on Kris's bed.

"Yeah. We all chose music, right?" Sehun asks nervously. Chanyeol ruffles his hair, reassuring him. Yes, finally a club that can make him relax, because so far the year has been nothing but chaos for Chanyeol, to be honest. Why? Because of Byun Baekhyun.

And really, he doesn't think it can get any worse than this.

But it does.

Turns out Byun Baekhyun is also in the music club.

Chanyeol doesn't even bother to hide his groan when he walks in and sees Baekhyun in the distance with Chen and a tall boy with dark circles under his eyes.

Why is it that he's in almost everything with Baekhyun? He wouldn't be surprised anymore if Baekhyun turns out to be in his last club! Sulking, he crosses his arms and chooses to sit somewhere furthest from his enemy, and his friends, unaware, sit with him as they chat to each other.

"Hey. Didn't know you were in Music club too." A voice pops out of nowhere, his tone able to make Chanyeol melt, but instead his heart speeds up in a split second as he turns around and sees his crush standing there, smiling up at him.

"K-Kyungsoo? You're here too?" His eyes are wide and he can't help but scream inside out of happiness.

"Yeah. Music has always been a big part of my life..." He says as he takes out a few sheets of paper. "I've learnt singing ever since I was young, so ..."

"KYUNGSOO!" The annoying voice floats over to the both of them and Chanyeol visibly rolls his eyes in frustration as he sees Baekhyun walk over and ... slings his arm over Kyungsoo's shoulder.

"Hi." Kyungsoo greets as he looks down at his music.

"Want me to give you that massage again?" Baekhyun asks innocently, and when Kyungsoo's not looking he sends an evil grin to Chanyeol. Chanyeol feels like blowing up!

"Yes. I didn't know you were that good at massaging." Kyungsoo agrees, feeling a little uncomfortable at the amount of contact Baekhyun's giving him (Baekhyun had started stroking Kyungsoo's dark locks just to piss Chanyeol off).

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