Untitled Part 12

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Chanyeol arrives back from minor class, relieved that he finally gets the rest of the Saturday afternoon off. As he sits on his bed, he hears 'Peter Pan' from EXO fill the room. Without thinking, he automatically looks over at Baekhyun's ringing phone, which has probably been forgotten by its owner.

Nonchalantly, as if he owns Baekhyun's phone, Chanyeol gets off his bed and reaches over to grab the iphone, unlocking it (there isn't a lock in the first place) before pressing it to his ears. Before he can say hello, however, a husky voice replies him.

"Baekhyun-ah." The low voice breathes, and Chanyeol can feel disgust rise up within him as he scrunches his nose. "Can you come over now? I need to be inside your tight ."

Chanyeol is speechless.

"I'm so ing thinking of your body, Baekhyun-ah." The voice continues, and Chanyeol just listens blankly. "I want to watch you squirm under me ..."

" you. Don't call again!" Chanyeol blurts out before he even realises what's happening, and out of fear he hangs up just as he can hear the other person curse. He holds the phone tightly in his hand, staring at the contact that reads unknown. But then again, Baekhyun doesn't usually save contacts, so this guy can really be anyone ranging from some random admirer to one of his buddies. He watches his knuckles turn white and he reluctantly lets the phone fall to the bed.

The . No one has the right to talk to Byun Baekhyun like that! Chanyeol thinks to himself, feeling his heart race in his chest and his whole body quiver with anger. He's not sure why he's angry, he just knows he is. Beyond angry – furious, even.

What kind of phase is this anyway ... He thinks to himself, and just as he is about to grab Baekhyun's phone and delete that bastard from the list, Baekhyun enters with books in his hand and glasses resting on his nose.

Chanyeol is stunned.

"Since when the did you wear glasses?" The words slip out before he can even take them back, and he realises it's too late, he can't deny the fact that he didn't notice the changes in Baekhyun anymore. He bites down on his tongue as he feels heat paint across his cheeks. Baekhyun sets his books down and pushes his square-rimmed glasses up. Chanyeol chokes – , that's goddamn cute.

"I was always short-sighted ..." Baekhyun snorts. "... or so they say. I think my eyes are perfectly fine, but I wear contacts because people force me to. Sometimes." The smaller notices the phone on his desk, and pats his shorts before narrowing his eyes at Chanyeol – and , he's goddamn adorable for glaring at him through those glasses.

"You sneaky bastard. Give me my phone back!" Suddenly feeling cheeky and wanting to rile up this glasses-Baekhyun more, Chanyeol smirks and grabs the phone before Baekhyun can snatch it off the desk, and holds it high up in the air.

"You want it?" He waves the phone, his smirk taunting. "Come and get it."

Baekhyun growls in annoyance and climbs off his bed before bounding over to Chanyeol, jumping up to try and snatch his phone back, but Chanyeol's too tall with his height and tiptoed large feet, and the smaller's only inches away from being able to reach the phone. How goddamn frustrating.

"Someone's a little too small." Chanyeol laughs, loving the way those glasses bounce up and down on Baekhyun's small nose, and he just wants to kiss that nose –

Long fingers wrap themselves around his arm, and before Chanyeol can register what's happening, he can feel Baekhyun's chest pressing up against his, that face and those glasses intimately close as Baekhyun tiptoes with all his might, using Chanyeol's arm as a support of sorts. As soon as he feels Chanyeol staring at him, he lowers his eyes from the phone and meets Chanyeol's dark ones.

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