Untitled Part 32

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Chanyeol nearly completely recovers. He's not ready to talk to Baekhyun properly yet, as he's still scarred over their conversation on the 17th, but now he knows he's one step further. And he knows they have to take one step at a time.

Kris, Sehun, Kyungsoo and Jongin are relieved to find him okay, and Chanyeol feels bad to have worried them so much.

"I was fine, honestly." Chanyeol tries to tell them, because honestly, that's what he thought he was. But Kris rolls his eyes.

"Bull you were fine. You were so weird ..." Kris trails off after a while. He doesn't know how to explain it, so he gives up and stops talking. Sehun cuts in though.

"Yeah man. Like ... You weren't insulting me and you never hit me. I think that's a miracle, coming from you." Sehun says. Chanyeol throws a grape at him, in which Sehun ducks under Kris and lets out a laugh. "See what I mean?"

Chanyeol feels really good to be back, even though he was never gone in the first place. He had been so immersed in his horrible emotions that he had forgotten what it felt like to be carefree and happy. He doesn't want to feel like that again. When he thinks back, he shudders, knowing that such a dark place can lure you in and it'll be hard to get out. Such a negative yet consuming feeling.

But even at this time, he glances over at Joonmyun, who's eating quietly as he sits next to Kris. Chanyeol smiles, knowing he owes Joonmyun a huge lot for that talk the other day. It woke him up from his depression (which he doesn't even know the true source of) and it snaps him back in reality. The reality that things always have to move on, and that you always have to look brightly at things and find ways to solve problems instead of just immersing yourself in darkness.

Now, Chanyeol plans to talk to Baekhyun, to do anything that might get Baekhyun out of his shell, his mask, his costume, whatever you call it. Now that he has Joonmyun's thoughts into this, he knows he's not the only one, and once again he feels confidence seep back into his recovering soul.

Every time he sees Baekhyun with other men, he feels that ... that jealousy again, but now that he accepts it and recognises it as the emotion he constantly feels, he realises it makes things so much easier to bear. Honestly, if he had the right, he would go up to every man that even dared ing touch Baekhyun and punch the out of them, but he knows he doesn't, and probably never will.

Moreover, having Joonmyun's thoughts into this meant that Chanyeol now knows Baekhyun hasn't changed because he wants to, but because of something else. And Chanyeol's trying to figure that out.

What he's also trying to figure out, is why Joonmyun came to him in the first place. He could've gone to Jongin, or Chen, or even Kris, but instead he went to Chanyeol. Somehow, that gives him more motivation to get Baekhyun back on track.

Honestly, Joonmyun saved his life. So when he sees Kris bothering Joonmyun once again, for the first time since Chanyeol's depression started (he admits it was depression, but he's going to say it's a small one), he tries to leave them alone.

The sound of wedding chimes ring throughout the air along with the wedding music. Chanyeol stands there, and as he looks down, he sees he's wearing a suit.

At first, he thinks he's the one getting married, and at that thought he can feel himself suffocating (because who the hell is he going to marry?), but as the big doors of the church open and Joonmyun appears there, Chanyeol sighs in relief.

Suddenly, Kris appears next to him, smiling brightly.

"Can you believe it?" he says as he watches Joonmyun walk up the aisle. Chanyeol sees that Kris's eyes are shining. "We're finally going to be together. We're finally going to be one family."

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