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"You said you'd do it if you had the chance. You have the chance right now." Baekhyun stares into Chanyeol's eyes, watching the way those dark orbs swirl in surprise and confusion.

"What the is wrong with you –"

"What? You don't have the guts?" Baekhyun whispers almost maniacally, waiting and waiting for Chanyeol to make the move. In the back of his mind, he's wondering why he's doing this, why he's taunting Chanyeol for no reason and why he's putting himself in danger, but right now he doesn't care, because people like Park Chanyeol are the same.

"You know what they call men who don't hit girls or anyone smaller than them?" Baekhyun asks, leaning closer and closer. "They're not gentlemen, Park Chanyeol, they're chickens. Just. Like. What. You. Are." He sees Chanyeol's eyes flash with anger and hurt pride. He smirks just as he is pushed onto the ground harshly until he feels the bone of his elbow hit the floor harshly and the skin of his forearms scrape the floor.Ouchouchouchouchouchouch that ing hurts thathurtsthathurtsthathurts... He winces in pain, but for the moment he's triumphant because he knows he's done it – it doesn't matter if he gets killed in this beating because he has just proven to himself that Park Chanyeol is just the same. He closes his eyes, waiting for the beating, waiting for the hurt that can still never be compared to a permanent injury he's felt for so long, but it never comes.

"I don't know what the is wrong with you, Byun Baekhyun, but if you're looking for someone to beat you up, don't choose me." Park Chanyeol growls as he stands over Baekhyun, and Baekhyun closes his eyes, not because he's embarrassed or hurt, but because he can't bear to see the look of guilt in Chanyeol's otherwise furious eyes. He sits up, looking at his raw skin as he hears Chanyeol walk out of the kitchen. There is a silence that wafts over the kitchen, then:

"Are you okay?" Kyungsoo's velvety voice enters Baekhyun's mind as he feels gentle small hands (not those big ones that had so haunted his mind) lift him up. "You're hurt."

"Do you need to go to the nurse?" The team leader asks, but Baekhyun turns away, ignoring her completely.

"I'm fine." Baekhyun answers as he pushes Kyungsoo away gently.

"What happened? A fight again?" Kyungsoo asks worriedly as he hovers over Baekhyun like a fly. Everyone else resumes their work. Baekhyun is silent as he watches his wounds. it hurts so much why the did he have to push me so harshly – Then again, he deserves it. He can see Chanyeol's baked cookies in the corner of his eye.

"Chanyeol pushed you? How can he be so rough?" Baekhyun can see Kyungsoo's eyes darken with disappointment, and suddenly he doesn't know what he's doing.

"No ... he could've done worse, but he didn't." Baekhyun mutters, mentally hitting himself for helping Chanyeol. Why is he? Park Chanyeol doesn't deserve anyone, especially not Kyungsoo. "I said something really bad to him, so he pushed me out of anger. Don't worry about it. It's my fault." Why the are you helping him, Byun Baekhyun?

"... Are you sure?" Kyungsoo asks hesitantly, but Baekhyun can already see the relief in his eyes.

"Yes." Baekhyun flinches when he feels Kyungsoo touch him in a friendly manner. No, he shouldn't get close to anyone. He moves away.

"Look, I think Chanyeol is more hurt than I am. Why don't you talk to him after this? Go talk to him now, actually." Kyungsoo looks torn between wanting to help the injured Baekhyun and going to his 'crush', and in the end gives in to the latter as he rushes out of the room when the team leader isn't looking.

Baekhyun turns back as he looks at his wounds that aren't as bad as it could've been (even though it still ing hurts and he can't move his elbow now). He sighs, mentally punching himself for being such an idiot. What did he have to prove to himself? It doesn't matter if Chanyeol acts differently or has a different personality, because in the end people like Park Chanyeol are still the same. It doesn't matter what they do, because in the end it's all an act to lure people in and open the door to their hearts, just to bring a hammer and smash it to pieces.

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