Chapter 1

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"Hey watch out freak" and a shoved me again. They have audicity to laugh over it. Assholes. "Why are you even here?" Said one from one side. "Why don't you die" that was a new one that means queen bitch is here to torment my already tormented soul.
Giselle thinks that insulting others is what keeps her on top. She is popular not because everyone likes her. But because everyone is afraid to say anything to her. She is the daughter of one of the trustees of the school. So say something against her and you are expelled.
Her minions and she had me cornerd and the hadn't been started yet. "Well well well did you wasted extra time in hair and make up today? What for did you think Mason will notice you?" She asked in her high pitched voice.
" Why would you think that?" I asked her. "Obiously because you like her don't you? Tell you what sugar he don't like to talk to you he doesn't like how you cling to him at every other outing. In fact he hates you. You my darling is a waste of space in our life. A baggage that came with his sister" she said. By now I am sure I have attracted a good crowd and I was started in the waterworks.
"Well I don't see her as a waste of space" a new voice said snapping the heads of fake barbies at his direction."And who you might be honey"Giselle said to the new commer who wasn't looking at her. For a change he was looking at me.
"You might be new here I am..."Giselle said but he cut her off. "Standing in my personal space" the guy said and her jaw dropped.
Did he serious told that to be off.oh my god oh my god oh my god she is going to throw a hissy fit.
I cannot believe it. And the Greek god is coming towards me. Why I'm the earth he would do that?
"Hey are you alright?" He asked. "Y. ..yes I think so" I said. "Great you shouldn't let her walk all over you, you are far much better than this" he said.
Did he just complemented on my sorry self?wow it's a good change before he too join the bitchville crew.
"Hello you in there I am talking to you" his voice broke me out od the haze. "Huh?" I asked. "If you please show me the principal's office teddy"he said. "Teddy? Seriously all the names he could come up with he called me teddy a fucking stuffed you?"
I srugged in response and showed him the way. "Not much of a taller are you?" I didn't replied. "At least you can say thank you to the guy who oh so nicely saved you from the bullying" he said casually.
"Thanks for saving me I really appreciate your concern but I was manging just fine" I said rather rudely. "Well what got your panties in twist teddy?or probably you just woke up on the wrong side of the bed" he said. "Here is your destination and hope we never cross path again" I said and tried to walk away.
His hands grasp mine. I felt tingles shooting up my arm. His lips brushed again my ear and he said "I doubt that teddy you will be seeing more of me very soon" and he kissed my cheek softly letting me go.
"So long teddy see you soon and don't be a stranger" he said leaving me dumbfounded in the middle of the corridor.
"He did what?" My only friend Tiffany asked. "Dude it's huge a new guy saved you from queen bitch on first day and then kissed you?" She shouted way to go tiff now whole cafeteria knows about it.
I lowered My head in embaressment. I pulled my hoodie up and adjusted my glasses. "Calm down tiff it's not a big deal anyway" I said. He probably forgot about me until now.I mean who will remeber someone like me. I am the invisible girl in every context.
"Hey teddy" I heard his voice. I tried to hide myself and pretend that I didn't listen but I have the worst luck in whole town. He came and said "is this seat taken can I sit with you?" He asked tiffany who squealed.
"Auri you forgot to mention that he looks like a Greek god"she said her mouth still hung in amazement. There she goes my only friend is taken guys.
"You can sure call me that hun but teddy here have some wild imagination that she can resist my charms" he said making himself sit beside me into the table in cafeteria. Now while cafeteria was looking at us. I hate attention. With attention comes problems. I don't want it.
"Why are you here?" I asked harshly. "Definitely you woke up on the wrong side of the bed teddy" he said laughing. "Excuse her rudeness uhh. ..?" "Right I didn't introduce myself I am Riley.... Riley Victor Winters it's a pleasure to meet you miss?" He asked putting on his charm pants...
"I am tiffany doglus and she is my best friend Adrianna willsion" she said.
I gave her what the fuck look. "What?" She asked. "Nothing" I said as I put all my attention to stabbing my salad I lost my appetite.
The bell rang signalling the end of lunch hour. "So teddy what class do you have next?" Riley asked as he walked side by side with us outside of cafeteria. "Uhhh Art" I said. "So do I" he said. No way."after that?" He asked. "Home eco" I said. "Me too I guess we will seeing each other more than we thought" he said walking to the room. That's what I am afraid about. I don't want to see him or anyone I don't want to repeat history. I am still too hurt to let it all go..
A/N Here you go the chapter as I promised the picture above is Mason...
I don't have any updating sechdule so I will ask when I get time...
Happy reading

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