Chapter 20

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Alaska this place brings back lots of memories. Memories of us. Her and me. I looked at the snow covered peaks and the frozen land. It is all white but so serene and so beautiful. Filled with lots of memories.

"Riley you seem awfully quite after we came here. is it something that is bothering you?" She asked looking at me. I smiled at her. Wish I could tell you teddy, wish you could remember all of it. But I know you don't so I will keep it this way for now.

"Nothing at all Princess now if you are not too cold we could go for some skiing or maybe you will like to have a sligh ride first. I have my own sleigh and some dogs too. Maybe you like to meet them." All good memories I don't know if they remember her. They were just puppies when she came here.

"Dogs? You got dogs not just one?" She asked getting excited. "Yes eight Alaskan Huskies. I kept them since they were little puppies. Would you like to meet them?" I asked and she nodded. "I love dogs" She screamed like a little child.

I know you do that is why you bought them yourself not that you remember any of it now Princess. I wish you just remember me. Remember our time together then maybe we can start over again eliminating all the awful memories of our past life. And create something beautiful all together. I know I don't say it but there is nothing more in my life I want which matter more than you.

Without you my life is empty. Without you it is all black and white. I cannot help but pull her in my arms. She screeched in surprise but then she relaxed and hugged me back. "Hey Riley are you ok?" She asked stroking my hairs lightly. "Everything is fine just I want to hold you for few minutes. Just stay like this for few minutes."

She smiled holding me against her. I can listen to it all day long her steady heart beating against mine. Our hearts beating at the same rhythm. It is just too peaceful. So beautiful. There is nothing more alluring more calming than this. I wish to hold her like this forever.

Few minutes later I released her and there is that overwhelming need grasped me again. Need for her. It was like if I leave here like this now I may never see her again. And that is the most awful feeling I had in months since I met her. Even when she was with Mason I didn't had this feeling because she was never meant to be mine and I understood it.

But now when she is with me this is something I cannot shake away no matter what I do. No this time it will be different this time she will not going to leave me again. This time I will make sure no one can hurt her. No one even me or her father. I will protect her from everyone. I had too do it.

"Can I kiss you?" I asked suddenly. "Riley since when do charming guys asked girls if they can kiss them" She said and laughed. "Since the charming guys got afraid of loosing the girl they love" She gasped at my words. "Riley you..."

"Shhh... Don't say anything. Don't tell me how you feel. Just be with me like this please. Just like this. I beg you Teddy do not leave me here alone like this. Not again." Her eyes soften and she held my hands

"Riley I am not leaving you here or anywhere ever again. I want to know so badly how we were when we were together. I want to know the answers to the questions why my father trained me to be a practical combat machine. And what is so secretive about his work that he cannot tell me anything. There are so many questions of which I may never find the answers to"

She sat down on the couch by the fire place. "Can you not tell me if you know Riley why don't you tell me where I belong to? Why keep so many secrets between us? Why cannot you tell me about me previous life if you know.?" She said quietly.

"I wish I could but it is you who needs to remember it. I am in deep trouble here" Her ears perked up in the name of trouble. Same old Adrianna Willson always in love to chase troubles.

"What kind of trouble?" She asked looking hopefully at me. She is still trying to find the answers to all the unanswered questions. So why not I give her some answers? I should . "I am not who you think I am Audri I am a Billionaire Heir to the Winter Corporation." Her Jaw dropped open literally touching the ground. Yes I have that effect on girls.

"Your father is also not a construction worker. He works closely with a secret government services that provides protection to us. Or kids like us. I am here on the run because someone is after me. Because all those years ago I stole something very precious from one man and now he is after me. After us. Because you knew it too you just don't remember any of it yet. Audri you are the key for my survival"

She looked at me dumbfounded. Then she broke down in hysterical laughter. "You are good you are too good. You got me there for a moment. My father and some secret super spy who even cannot cook anything properly without setting kitchen on fire. Come on Riley enough Jokes already. Now can o go see the dogs. I am dying to meet them. " She said and pulled me with her to the shelter which I never told her Keep the dogs into. She is remembering it. And I just have to try a little harder and she will remember it all. 

A/N: Here is the next part of the BBD and i hope to update soon but i have this huge writers block for this story please if you have any suggestions about the story should progress help me a little. 






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