Chapter 27

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"Where the hell is he?" I asked frustrated as I looked again through the surveillance footage of the entire city. "Please sir take a break you are working non- stop from twelve hours" My assistant said with concern. "Bring me some coffee Please Paige" I said getting irritated all of a sudden.

I don't want her. I don't want anyone I just want my Adriana with me, I want her to hold me. I want her to assure me that everything will be alright and we will survive through this together.

Twelve hours had been passed since I am here in my office. As a weapons manufacturer I have a slight advantage I can ask for the surveillance footage of the area because there had been a threat on my life from some time. And the officials thought it will better for me to be underground.

And who was better than him? That traitor if I only knew. If I only had known a little bit before it all happened. But what is there to save now? As I know it when she will wake up she will remember it all.

The doctor had confirmed it will going to happen. And it will be the end of us or any chance I had having an us. She will remember me as a traitor who betrayed her. She will.

How the hell I am going to live with this fact that she hurt me?

I cannot do this no

I need her so much I need her but if I cannot have her what is the point in saving myself then? If I did survive it will be the same. I will be a traitor in her eyes. I want her love .

God why do it had to happen why did it have to be us. Why cannot we had a normal life? Why her and why me? Why us? I just need her to love me even pretend to love me if she can. I will give my life my everything to her.

My father's word haunt me still

No one can love Ryan Winters.

And you know the funny thing I damn believe it now. I felt her love. I felt it when we touched for the first time. I love her. She is not only touched my heart but she had also branded my soul if that makes sense at all. She is always here with me.

She is in my mind

She is in my heart

She is in my soul

She is in the air that I breath into

She is my home

She is my life. I cannot go one knowing that she is going to hate me for rest of her life. I just got her. I just got her back and we started to live together. I lost her to Mason, to that damn accident and now I lost her again.

But this feels like forever.

"Sir your coffee and Mr. Henry Cook is here to see you" She said and I dismissed her. The government official who was incharge of my case entered the room. "How are you doing son? " He asked. "My life sucks and you are asking how I am doing? Funny officer you are the one who actually made it this much complicated"

"I did give you my best officers to begin with it was not my fault that you got involved with her." "yeah and it is not my fault that her father was in fact a traitor. Yes Mr. Cook your best officer is a traitor"

"How do we be sure his daughter is not a traitor" He asked. I clenched my fists. The audacity of this guy to question my Adrianna's loyality? "The fact that I am giving you this information is the proof that you need Mr. cook"

"Oh Ryan why are you getting so worked up on this we will find him and we will find those codes"

I am not getting worked up. I am not well even if I am it is because you are failing in protecting me. And my Teddy is in danger too. Now that she knows her actual status.

"Go home and rest son leave the rest to us" I nodded and decided to take a nap. When I closed my eyes I saw her. Her eyes her smile, her taunting me, her kisses, Her sweet words, her sweet smell surrounded me all over again. It was like she here with me constantly.

She is here and she is tormenting me all over again and again.

No wonder I didn't get a wink of sleep. I decided to call Nick and check on Adrianna. "She is still sleeping doctors said she will wake up in few hours." I cut the call " Why are you lost to me My teddy I do not want to let you go"

I held her picture and cried . I didn't cried in long time. "Teddy I am sorry I didn't wanted to lie to you maybe if I have told you everything earlier you may have left me earlier and may be we will be happy at least one of us will have been."

" I told you not to disturb me right now" I said getting irritated on my assistant. "Yeah but I think it will be in your best interest of you listen and do as I say if you want your future wife to be unharmed with your dear friends"

"You..." And everything suddenly turned black.

A/N: I am feeling generous today. So who was with Ryan? Read and find out in the next installment of BBD.

Few more chapters and that will be it for this.



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