Chapter 7

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Last night i came to a empty house. Nick picked me up from school. There was no sign of Riley. it's like he had been disappeared from the face of earth. what I am suppose to do?. I wanted to talk to him and he is still not here. Well i can always talk to my dad but sadly his phone is still switched off. Just when i need them all of them tend to disappear from my life. "why?" why god why are you punishing me. everything was going good and now when i had the one thing i wanted in my life you filled my head with the thing named Riley. 

"why my life tend to be this difficult?" i screamed into the empty house. Just then the phone goes off. I looked at the phone it was some unknown number.  "wear something sexy babygirl"  it's not Riley even though i have his number saved it's very unlikely that Riley would tell me to wear something or call me babygirl. His annoying voice always call me Teddy.

Mason. it had to be him. well i guess if Riley isn't here to tell me what to do then i will do what they say. i will just go with the flow. Now do I have something sexy in my closet? maybe i do. I looked at the closet which i arranged last night out of boredom. Yes here it is the skirt that comes little below my thighs and the tank top. I never imagine wearing something like this but it's never too late to try is it?

I changed my cloths took extra effort to brush out the knots from my hair. Makeup yes i need to do some makeup. Just a little won't hurt. I quickly applied some gloss and some liner to make my eyes pop out. I took my shoes. Heels yes i do own them. I ran out of my room and saw Nick on the kitchen counter. His jaw dropped. "what am i looking bad?" i asked twirling. "ummm... Adri you look good just different" He said. "so i am looking bad" i said. "no not bad i told you you are looking good i assume it is because you are trying to impress someone let me guess Ryan? (A/N: Riley's real name is Ryan explained in previous chapter) "why they always think it's for Riley? "no not for Riley" i said. "then?" he said putting his fingers under his chin. "I guess it's for the guy Mason?" he asked and i nodded blushing. 

"oh Let me tell you one thing you may not understand it now but you will some day. Look Adri The thing is if someone will like you they will like you as you are." he said seriously. "if someone tries to change you into something else baby it's not love it's compromise" He added. "just think about it ok baby before doing and making decision" He said at last looking at me intently. 

"let me take the car i will drop you to school" He said and walked out. i was again got those strange thoughts in my mind all the excitement i had earlier was vanished into thin air. "am i doing the wrong thing? am i the bad guy here? am i playing with someone's feeling so bad? 

A honk broke me out of my trance and i ran out of the house. Nick took me to the school and dropped me off as promised. I got out and he too got out. "what? don't tell me you are joining too from today" i said. "maybe I am" he said giving his cocky smirk. "i got my schedule yesterday and guess what i have the same as you" he said seriously? having Riley with me in every class wasn't enough? he have to be in them too?  He held my wrist as he saw Mason as soon as we walked inside the school building. 

"what?" i asked. Nick pulled me to him and said "Adri you are like my little sister and like Ryan I am protective of you too so think about what i said earlier" He kissed my temple before letting me go. Mason came towards me and stood in front of me. His eyes traveled up and down my body. it's felt like he was accessing me. "so you kept my request huh Baby girl?" he said. I blushed at his comment. I nodded. "I am glad you did or else I never would have met with the sexy self of you" He said. 

"So I have been thinking if you would like to go out with me tonight" He asked. "ummm... aren't you with Giselle?" I asked. "yes i was up to last night but then I saw how she always behaves with you and i find that it is very much insulting and also i never saw the beautiful and sexy girl so close to me before" he pushed me to the nearest wall softly. His lips connected with mine. He was handsome definitely. 

"but not as Riley" my inner consciousness said. 

He is a good kisser

but Riley was your first kiss and he is definitely hotter and better . 

uuugghhh... shut up.

And i gave into that kiss. Mason pulled back and said "so go on a date with me Baby girl" 

no no no

"yes i will go on a date with you" i said. "right then i will see you after school baby" he said and pecked my lips again. 

I looked at the direction of Nick and I saw Tiffany and Riley standing with him. Nick was just looking at my sympathetically. Tiffany was shaking her head in disagreement and Riley well he was just smiling but something was wrong with it as it wasn't reaching his eye. 

My eyes met his and he gave me a thumbs up and mouth "all the best" before walking out of the school. 

Tiffany came towards me and said "what have you done girl he will just use you and then discard you girlie. Mason is not a guy for you" She said and left me there standing again questioning my decision.

 Am i doing the right thing? 

you messed up

I couldn't help but agree more.

A/N: Sorry for late update my dear readers 

And don't hate me now please... it will only get better trust me on this...

She messed up but she will come to her senses soon...

until then 

Happy reading...

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