Chapter 11

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Girlfriend... Mason called her his girlfriend. He got her drunk and he made out with her. He kissed her. And he kissed her again in front of me. He took her away from me. No Mason is a bad news.He would hurt her. He will hurt her. "Ryan" Nick said as he swiftly moved the starring wheel. 

"you are going to kill us you are going 200 miles per hour are you out of your mind dude?" Nick said. I wasn't listening to him at this point all I could think was how he was kissing her. Mason's lips were on her. It was on my teddy. 

"Ryan you are going to kill yourself and with that you will take me with you too" Nick said. "Ryan will you stop it" Nick shouted as i slammed the breaks so fast that he almost collided with the dash board. "what's up with you today man?" Nick asked. 

This should have been easy. It was easy I have to gone missing on purpose and be that way for few months. And then i saw her here unfortunately it was dad again who had been associated with my project. Again. 

it is like the past and i am suddenly transported back to my past. And i saw her the girl who used to haunt my dream. I saw her smile hear her voice and I lost it completely. It should have been easy but somehow fate have other plan for me. 

She forgot me and she is somehow in love with her brother's best friend how cliche. My life is turning into a teen drama novel and I am the guy every girl notices. Except for the one I love. "you looked tense let me guess it's about Adriana isn't it?" Nick asked. 

"yeah, Adriana Wilson the source of my every problem.I even thought that maybe few drink with you last night i will forget her but no i cannot and that's the problem" I said as i walked out of the car slamming the door. 

"Not with the car man... look let's go out tonight, i will take you to a local club and it will not be a problem since no one knows you anyway. And we will pick up some girls and have time of our lives. It will help you get over her" Nick said. "you and your ideas" i said walking inside the school. 

I wish i haven't. Adriana and Mason were standing with her new circle of friends. She looked uncomfortable in her dress. But she wore it to impress him. She is a clingy girlfriend. 

and you will love if she clings on you

not true

it is

no it is not true

it is you just want her 

"for god sake shut up" I said slamming the locker. everyone was looking at me and Adriana's eyes gone wide as they met mine.  I quickly averted my gaze and walked out of there. Giselle walked up and stood at my desk. "why are you here?" i asked coldly. she flinched but then she smirked at me.

She pulled my head up and said "i know you love her" My eyes gone wide hearing that. "follow along if you don't want Mason to hurt her badly" She said and walked out. I followed her to the backyard of the school. 

"say" I said. she pulled out a cigarette and lit it. "want one?" she asked and i declined. wasn't she supposed to be a good girl? "I know what are you thinking that i suppose to be a good girl perfect girl. it is what everyone expect me to me. But no I am not a good girl. I never was. Mason knows it but he never cared. He was in for wild nights." She said

now coming out from Giselle's mouth it seem more of a lie than the truth. But what options do I have than to believe her. "What do you want me to do?" I ask her. "Simple I want to see him suffer. He made me suffer a lot" She said. "sorry am I hearing right? he made you suffer how?" I asked. "Aren't you both are like some golden couple or something?" I asked. 

suddenly she started laughing. "you are a fool rich boy... you don't see it do you? Mason was trying to get to her from a long time. She is something he cannot have. The sister's best friend. And you made it easier for him. Playing the Jealous friend he gets the girl what his sister prevented him from doing. She is just a bet. He was challenged that he could never get her agree to sleep with him" Giselle revealed. 

"why? Adriana loves him. what more does he wants?" I asked."He doesn't love her he just wants her because she is involved with you she was starting to move on and he cannot let that happen. At least not until he bedded her" Giselle said bitterly. "I fell for this too. I fell for him but he... he was obsessed with her. that's why i hate her so much but I will not let her get hurt." Giselle said her voice breaking in the end.

"why do you wanted to save her what's in it for you?" I asked. "returning a favor she did to me few years ago she don't remember it but i do" Giselle said. "was it before accident?" I asked and she nodded. "Lover boy we need to save damsel in distress and it will be on tonight" She said walking inside after crushing the cigarette with her shoes.  She will be perfect for Nick. 

don't play matchmaker you have to think about Adriana first.

I am not playing match maker

yes you are...

I am not




no and now shut up...

So tonight i will going to get back my teddy from him. No one places a bet over my princess and no one will get away with it.

A/N: uh...oh trouble in paradise...

And Giselle is a bad girl who wants to save Adriana? who thought that?

what did you think about this one?

And any guesses about the help she did to Giselle.

Next update is in next Friday but wait who knows I might surprise you guys sooner.

But I need votes at least 10 votes and 50 reads for a early update... 

Till then 

happy reading...

And don't forget to vote and comment...

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