Chapter 13

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Adriana's outfit for the club. with a leather jacket of and minus the neck piece. Rest you can imagine folks


"Stop moping around over him" Tiffany said for the tenth time. It's Friday night and here I am sitting with my best friend with Netflix and lots of cookie dough ice cream. I am crying over Mason why? because he dumped me today. 

As soon as I walked into school everyone stopped talking and started to look at me. I know something was wrong. Just then I saw Mason and he brushed past me like I didn't existed. "Mason" I called. He stopped then looked back at me. 

He then pulled a girl whom i don't recognize with him and kissed her. I felt betrayed. I felt hurt and angry on myself. I hate how easily I had made a fool of myself. And that is how folks I ended up here with my best friend Netflix and Ice cream. 

"what happen to you and Riley?" Tiffany asked suddenly. And the answer is I don't know what the hell happened? 

one minute we are cool and all but then he seem to avoid me from morning i woke up. But I did get my medicine and breakfast ready on table. 

I heard yelling and crashing today as soon as i came here. I wanted to know what happened but Nick prevented me from going there. Riley was on some kind of rampage or something. 

"it's late" Tiffany said mentioning the clock.  I saw it too. it was late. almost 2 in the morning. I yawned. "we should sleep." she suggested and we did too. 

i woke up groaning as I felt someone's lips on my temple. Tiffany was nowhere to be found and  I came face to face with none other than my housemate. Riley. He decided it was the best time to leave. 

Without thinking twice I ran past him and locked the door. "Riley" i said. "yes" he replied. "we need to talk" i said. "there is nothing to talk about" the coldness in his voice startled me. "you are avoiding me Riley why?"I asked. "I am not" he said. "yes you are since Thursday morning Riley to be exact." i said. 

"Look I am not in mood to talk with you now I have someplace to be" Riley said trying to pull me off him. But i didn't let him go. And somehow we ended up fighting and him straddling me into the bed. yes I am trapped under his godly naked torso which have six packs. 

"Riley..." It came as a whisper or better yet a moan. I saw his dilated pupil. I licked my lips nervously. His gaze was intense. His face inched close. Little distance left between us. I accidently bit my lip. 

He released my one hand. and then he pulled my lower lip from between my teeth. his hand slowly moved over them. sparks shoot through my body shaking me to my core. Why am I feeling like this? It's Riley he is my best friend. 

Why I like his touch? why I want his touch? why I carve it? Riley what are you doing to me?  His hand dipped on my neck tracing the curve and then to my shoulder. His eyes were clouded with lust and love? 

what the hell?

"Riley..." i said again. "shhh... don't say anything" he said softly. "why?" i asked. "i don't want to lose my control" He said. i squirmed a little in his hold. "you are only making it more hard Adriana" His voice means double thing. I sense warning into it. 

"why are you avoiding me?" I asked. "I am not avoiding you I am just trying to figure out" He said his head dipped lower so it was now on my neck. He was inhaling and exhaling slowly. "what?" i asked. "things about you and me" he said. "can't we figure it togehter? i miss you" I said. "i miss you too more than you know" He said. He kissed my neck and get off me leaving me there wanting for more. 

Why I want more of him again?

Later that night Riley came into my room. He was cheerful as always all the coldness left his features. 

"Hey teddy" he said. I looked up from my laptop and saw him smiling. "what is he bipolar?" I though.  "get up...get up...get up we are going out" he said. I looked at his appearance. A black jeans, a white t-shirt leather jacket boots and messy hairs.

"Sexy" The word left my mouth and he chuckled. " I know I am sexy Teddy" He said. "now get ready and if you not down by 5 minutes i will dress you personally." he said. "where are we going?" I asked. "to meet some friends" he said. 

5 minutes past and I still don't know what to wear. He came barging in and said "you are still standing here?". "go out Riley and wait for me if you want me to come with you" I said sweetly. 

"10 minutes or else I am going to come and throw you  over my shoulder and take you down myself even if you are wearing only a lingerie" he said and left. 

Now what can I wear? ummm... do I have something that decent? I mean I don't want to go back to being a grandma anymore.  

I saw the perfect thing. I haven't wore it in months. I hope it fit me though. I crossed my fingers and started to get ready. 

20 minutes later Riley came into my room. I almost finished with my makeup and just blow dried my hairs. I took my clutch and turned around. Riley's jaw drop literally. 

"you are not going out like that no in front of horny males" He said. "Yes daddy I am not going to change" I said. "well than you have to wear this" He threw me something. you got to be kidding me. 

He glared at me

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He glared at me. Sometime I think he would actually play the role Jealous  and possessive boyfriend very well. I zipped up the Jacket and walked out of the room. He took me towards the garage and revealed huge collection of cars. but he walked towards the corner and pushed a button. 

"Hell no" I said

There it was the most beautiful thing I ever laid my eyes on. yes it is folks a beautiful sports bike. 

And I am in love with it

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And I am in love with it. "we are going to ride this tonight that is if you are not afraid of speed" Riley smirked.  A bad boy without a bike? hardly ever possible. 

"Bring it on Bad boy" i said and smirked. 

And that's how we ended up racing on the street at 9:00 P.M. In night towards a destination unknown.

A/N: the outfit above is adriana's club outfit. So what are you views about this little chapter?

Riley and Adriana together? 

find out what is going to happen to them...

In next chapter....

Till then 

Happy reading folks...

And don't forget to




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