Chapter 6

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"Wake up princess time for school"  Riley's voice came from somewhere. I groned and pulled the duvet over me."go Riley I don't want to get up or go to school" I said.
"No can do princess your father said that you need to continue the school" he said.
He pulled the duvet off me. That bastard.
He looked at my legs. "Nice legs teddy" he said making me blush.
"Hey no peeking on my legs" I said covering them. He smriked "Why princess do I make you nervous?" He asked.
" I am not nervous" I said pushing him back. "Get out Riley" I said. "You cannot kick me out it's my house" he said. "Yes and this is my room so get out I need to get ready" I said.
"I will give you 20 minutes baby then I will take you out myself whether you are dressed or not" Riley said.
I locked the door and took out black skinny jeans black converse and a Backstreet Boys band T-shirt.
I quickly took shower and brushed my teeth and put out my outfit. I put my hair in messy pony tail out on my glasses and my jacket. I walked outside and looked around.
I located the dining room and I heard Riley say "and the last of the house now arrives"
It made me blush harder.
"Now we need to change few things baby girl first thing is these glasses have to go I think you look cute with the glasses but you need to look bold and got yeah?" He said.
"Bring in the contacts Nick" He said. Nick came forward with contact lense box.
"Wear this" he said taking the glasses off.
"Now be still"he said as he helped me with the contacts.
He kept the glasses in the box. "Another thing is this"  He took out the hairtie and my hairs falls down in curles." Beautiful you look much better with the hair down" he said.
"Now you need little gloss" he said applying little gloss to my lips. "Perfect although you still look beautiful without it" He said under his breath.
"We can have breakfast and then we can go" he said.
True to his word he took me to school. And I never thought I will get the reactions i got.
Whole school was looking at me dumbfounded.
"Welcome the new you teddy" Riley said and he pulled me to his side.
He kissed my temple and then held my hand. They looked at me like I am a new student.
"You are still my girl and you will always be my girl" he said softly.
Um-mm... did he just said what I think he said. My life is turning into some cliche romance novel I can say.
The main character is in love with someone and the school's bad boy secretly in love with the main character. And he turns jealous suddenly if any guy approaches his girl.
Tiffany may us at school enterence and Riley kissed my cheek and let me go. "I will pick you after school in?" He said. "You are not coming in today?" I asked. "Have some unfinished buisness babygirl" he said. "Like what?" I asked. "Ummm... that's classified princess" he said. "But don't worry about it so much OK just enjoy the day baby girl" he said and left.
I am swear this guy is more secretive than the freaking James bond.
"So where did he go?" Tiffany asked me. "Where Riley goes Riley only knows" I said. Hey that rhymes.
"Trouble at 12 O'clock" she said. I looked in front of me and saw Giselle and Mason standing there. She was laughing at something he said. How cute make me want to hurl.
"Are you alright?" Tiffany asked. "Yeah I don't know why I even try its not like he will notice me any way"I say in a small voice.
"You know girl that's where you are wrong. There are more guys that die to be with you" she said.
"Yeah name one" I said. "Riley" she said in a duh tone.
Seriously why she have to take his name. "Any one else other than him?" I asked. "Look girlie you just need one guy in your life and he is not definitely not Mason he is class A douche I am his sister I know" she said giving me a knowing look.

suddenly i saw Mason looking towards me and Giselle was scowling at the fact. "ummm... Mason is coming this way" i said to Tiffany. She rolled her eyes but didn't said anything. Mason came and stood in front of me. "Aduri you are looking different" he said. "ummm... thanks i guess" i said. 

he was suddenly in front of me and his hands were over my cheek. i leaned into his touch. i felt warmth spread spreading through me. All those time i spend imagining this, still i feel like i am going to hyperventilate. "you look good different and you look good without your glasses" he said caressing my cheek. "T...thanks" i said." get yourself together Audri" i mentally scold myself.

"Brother is there is any special reason why you are hovering over my best friend and touching her knowing that she have a boyfriend?" Tiffany's voice rang breaking my trance. I pulled back and Mason scowled. "it's none of your business Sister i can do whatever i do" Mason said. "And last time I checked she is my friend too" Mason added. "the friend whom you don't acknowledge. Because you are too busy sucking faces with that bitch" Tiffany said. "shut up Tiff don't insult the person until you know her properly" He said defending Giselle. 

"Anyway i was here to invite to the party at my friend's place on Friday night" Mason said mentioning me. "well... i don't know can I bring Tiffany?" i asked nervously. "you can bring anyone babygirl" he said. strange that word didn't sound as good as it had been with Him. Riley why? i don't know. It's just that with Riley i never been fake. "ok i will think about it" i said as i walked to my class with Tiffany but all i wanted to go home and lie down in the bed and short out this mess.

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