Chapter 11

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Bella's P.O.V

It was August 22nd and the past couple of days were normal. I did not talk to Jacob for a while because I assumed he needed his time with his sisters. I packed a little bit because I would leave in a week. I then headed down to the beach for a walked to get exercise. It was so nice here. I will miss all of this in a couple of years when I go back to Forks. I stopped, took my shoes off, and put my feet in the water.

"Hello." A voice said behind me.

I turned around and saw the person I bumped into the other day.

"Hey." I said turning back to the water and looking at the sunset.

"Hum, I've never introduced myself." The boy said.

"Do we need to?" I asked.

"I don't know I assume we will see each other more often since you live next door to me."

I turned to see my house and his house next to me.

"Oh." I said.

"So my name is Chase Martinez." Chase said reaching his hand out for me to shake.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Bella Swan."

I shook his hand. It was a little awkward, so I pulled away fast.

"So are you like living here now or something?" Chase asked.

"Kind of. I actually live in Forks Washington." I replied.

"Oh, wow you are far from home."

"And also I'm here because I'm going to college soon so."

"Where are you going to?"

"Florida State University."

"Oh, that's cool, I'm going there too except I'm a sophomore there so I've been there a year now."


"So when are you going to college because I don't mind taking you?"

"That's very nice and thoughtful but my mom is already taking me."

"Oh OK."

"Well, I better go."


He grabbed my arm and I looked down at his hand on my arm. He released my arm.

"I was wondering if you want to hang out?" Chase asked.

"Huh, sure." I replied.

"And just as friends."

"OK, where?"

"My place."

"Hum, OK, when?"


"OK." I said.

"Great see you tomorrow."

I headed back to my house and I saw mom sitting in a chair smiling at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Who's that guy you met?" Mom asked.

"Just some guy I bumped into a couple of days ago and he wants to hang out."


"Yeah, I'm going now."

I walked away from mom and into the house.

Jacob's P.O.V

The next couple of days had been hard. I still did not know if it was right to tell them. I needed to talk to them, though. I walked on the beach and saw everybody staring at me. What I hated about having good looks is that everyone stares at you. I found a big rock like at home at the beach and I sat down on it. I watched the waves move across the shore and the sun came up behind the ocean. Suddenly Rachel found me and sat with me.

Jacob and Bella Story Sequel: Love you Forever and AlwaysWhere stories live. Discover now