The Wolf Inside.

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(When I was a kid I heard stories of people who had the ability to shapeshift. I thought it was all a myth until I found out otherwise. My name is Shelby Gill and I am 17. I think of myself as normal, but on my 18th birthday I will learn something shocking. )

I slammed my hand down on the alarm clock that has been going off for the past minute. I didnt want to get out of bed. Getting out of bed means I have to go to school. I hate school because I have no friends. Everybody thinks I'm a weirdo because I was born with golden, yellow eyes. I think it makes me look unique, but everybody else thinks I'm weird.

I finally got up out of bed and walked over to my closet. I grabbed a bra, cami, shirt, and my favorite pair of ripped jeans. Then I walked over to my mirror and grabbed my hair straighner. After I straighten my hair, I walked over to my make-up bag and grabbed it. I put on foundation first, then my eyeliner and eyeshadow, then finally my mascara.

I walked downstairs only to be scared by my older brother, Brad. He is already 18, but will turn 19 just after my 18th birthday. I stared at him and his bright green eyes. I dont know why he is so popular when he had unique eyes like me. He has a perfect life, but always puts me first. Any time I get picked on, my brother is always there ready to kill the people who make fun of me. The weird part is that he's never around when it happens, but it's like he knows somehow to come and find me. Its like he has a feeling inside to come to me and rescue me.

I looked at him and ask "what was that for"? He looked back at me and laughed. Then he kisses my forehead and said, "Happy 18th birthday sis"! I smiled and gave him a hug. As I let go, I looked at him and say "thank you".

We both grabbed an apple and headed to the bus stop. As we walked through the woods to the bus stop, I heard a howl and I asked him,"what the hell was that"? He looked at me wide eyed and asked me "are you sure you heard something"? I was a bit confused, but said, "yes, i heard a howl"! He kept walking and said "good". I asked him "what do you mean by good"? Brad looked back at me and didnt say anything.

When we finally reached the bus stop I heard another howl. There were other kids at my bus stop so I asked "did you just hear a howl"? All of them looked at me like I was crazy and said "no". I was so confused because that howl was so close, anybody could hear that. I looked back over at Brad who just smiled at me. Just as I was about to say something the bus came rolling up.

I walked up the stairs and sat in the second seat to the left. Brad went to the way back. I looked out the window and heard another howl. I was getting sick of it and tried to block them out of my mind. It was easy because it was dark outside so i fell asleep.

I woke up as my brother was tapping me on the shoulder. I jumped up and got off of the bus. We walked into the highschool together and went to our 12th grade homerooms. I sat in the front of the class and unzipped my backpack. I took out a werewolf novel and began reading.

While I was reading I was hit in the head with several pencil erasers. I looked behind me and seen this group of guys laughing at me. As I looked back at them, one of the boys hit me on my cheek with a spitball. Then another, then they were all hitting me with them. I got mad for some strange reason because I usually get sad, but I turned around and escaped into my book. The bell rang so I shot up and went to my first period, math.

A few hours went by and now I found myself at lunch. Today was chicken patty day so I walked up to the line. Today the chicken smelled better than ever before. I couldnt control my nose as I started sniffing uncontrollably. Then my brother came into the line and jokingly pushed me. I snapped out of it and moved forward in the line. I looked back at Brad and said, "I am having such a weird day". He just looked at me and said, "dont worry about it". I moved forward some more and grabbed a chicken patty. After I got out of line, I stopped and looked for a place to sit. My brother was already sitting down with his jock friends at a table, so I located a table in the corner of the cafeteria.

As I was walking over to the empty table, a popular girl let out her leg and tripped me. I went flying to the floor and the food on my tray splattered all over the floor. A roar of laughter began to spread throughout the cafeteria. I felt this uncontrollable feeling inside of me that I never felt before. Before I knew it, I was on my feet and had the girl by her shirt. I lifted her off of the ground and just looked at her. A friend of hers looked at me and said, "look at the freaks eyes, they're glowing".

My brother ran over to me and unpried the girl from my strong grasp. He lead me out of the cafeteria and into the hallway. He looked at me and said "your eyes are glowing bright yellow". I ran into the nearest bathroom and looked into the mirror. My eyes werent their normal yellow, they were glowing a bright golden yellow. I ran out of the bathroom immediately and made my way back to my brother. Brad grabbed me by my hand and lead me out of the school.

I looked at him and asked, "what the hell are you doing"? He looked back at me and said, "its time".

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ok guys that was my first chapter! I hope you liked it! Comment your thoughts and tell me if you want to read more! Vote this book, like this book, and add this book to your library because I will update often so always keep a lookout for a new chapter!

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