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As we flew through the sky I could see my brother and Reedus limping back to the cabin. I guess I hurt them pretty badly when I threw them off of the mountain. I asked "how much further to the coven"? They smiled and one said "we will be there in about 5 minutes. I got closer to them and said "I didnt catch your names".

One smiled and said "I'm Leo and thats my brother Luke". Leo grabbed my hand and we all swooped down. As soon as I touched the ground my wings folded in and went away. Luke said "good control of your wings on the landing. Leo said "cmon, master will love this".

Luke got ahead of us and knocked on the wooded door. Someone slid a hatch open and their eyes peeked out. Then they closed the small hatch and opened the door. Leo continued to hold my hand and I didnt think anything of it. Luke got infront of us and said "ok, just listen to master and answer all of his question". I said "ok, let me see him".

Luke opened anothet huge wooden door and entered what looked like a torture chamber. A young guy was hunched over a table. He frustratingly asked "what do you want"? I cleared my throat and he looked over in our direction. He smiled and said "I cant believe this". I smiled and said "well you better believe it". He walked over so Leo let go of my hand.

The master grabbed my hand and kissed it. He put it down and said "hello Shelby, I have been waiting a long time for this". I asked "how do you know my name"? He smiled and said "I know many things about you my dear". I smiled and asked "like what"?

He smiled and said "well, your 18, your best friend is Elisha and she is a werewolf hunter,your parents dies when you were young, you have an older brother names Brad, your mate was Reedus, but then he cheated on you with another girl". "After he cheated on you, you went out with a guy named Mike, turns out he already had a girlfriend and yet again he cheated on you". "then you grew close to Danny and started to have feelings for him. But sadly Reedus almost killed him and you had to, to end his his pain. You have the power of warmth, the power of telekinesis, and you can tell when someone is lying". "And most importantly you are a hybrind between 3 things".

I just stood there shocked. I asked "how do you know all of this"? He smiled and said "well my dear, I have been watching over you for a long time". I got curious and asked "what do you mean I am a hybrid of 3"? He said "you are part werewolf, part vampire, and part banshee". I asked "what is a banshee"?

He smiled and said "a banshee is a woman who can predict when somebody dies, and they also carry out messages from the underworld". I asked "so when I screamed ontop of the mountain, that was me predicting a death"? He said "yes that or you as a banshee you can warn people by your scream".

I smiled and askd "how do I connect with my banshee"? The master smiled and said "you need to tap into your mind, then you can communicate with eachother". I said "interesting". He said "give me a scream, I want to see how powerful you and your banshee will be". I brought out my anger that I had for Reedus and my brother. I opened my mouth and I let out a peircing scream.

Glass in the room broke and vampires started to scream in pain as they covered their ears. The master was the only one that didnt care, instead he just smiled. He said "amazing, your banshee is powerful, and you are too". Leo and Luke uncovered their ears and they looked at me. Leo said "damn that was a loud scream". Luke asked "doesnt that hurt your ears or throat"? I smiled and said "nope".

I smiled at the master and said "I never caught your name". He smiled and said "oh, it's Dustin". I said "nice to meet you Dustin". I turned around and walked back to Leo and Luke. I asked "so where will I be staying"? Dustin smiled and said "you and sleep in my guest room". I said "thank you" and walked back over to him.

Dustin told Leo and Luke to guard the door from the outside of the room. Dustin grabbed my hand and lead me down a long hallway. He stopped at one of the doors and said "this is where you will stay, my room right beside yours, so if you need anything knock on the wall". I said "thank you for everything". He smiled and said "dont thank me, I am just helping out a very special and unique friend".

He walked into his room so I walked into mine. I thought there would be coffins and it would look like a torture chamber, but it looked like a normal teenage room. There was a comfy bed, a desk with a computer on it, and a mini refrigerator. I looked inside and examined what was in it. Bottles of red liquid, I assumed it was blood. There was also bottles of pepsi and coke. I opened the freezer part and there was frozen pizza's and t.v dinners. I looked around and on a shelf was a microwave.

This was the ideal room. There were 2 other doors in my room so I opened the first one. Inside was a walk in closet. It was huge and full of beautiful clothes. If you kept walking you came to a huge counter with a huge mirror about it. There were endless amounts of make-up. This was a girls fantasy. I walked back into the main room and shut the door. I opened the next door and I just about died.

There was the biggest bathroom ever. There was a tub with holes on the inside of it. After I looked at it more it was one of those tubs that is exactly like a jacuzzi. There were plants on both sides of the counter. There were about 20 things of perfume on the counter top and about 10 sticks of deoderant on the shelf on both sides of the counter, so make that 20 things of deoderant.

I closed the door behind me and I got undressed. I turned on the tub and the jets turned on. I got into the tub and I just soaked in the nice warm water. The jets massaged my back. This place was like heaven. I'm glad I found Leo and Luke in the woods, but I'm upset about the whole mountain incident. I closed my eyes and went under the water.

I popped back up and turned the water and the jets off. I pulled the plug and the water drained. I got out and wrapped a towel around me. I walked over to the closet door and walked inside of it again. I grabbed some sweatpants and a cami. Then I wlaked over to the dresser and pulled out a bra. I put it on then I put my cami pn. I wrabbed some underwear and put it on. The I put the sweatpants.

I walked over to the bed and made it. I walked over to the lightswitch and shut the light of. I walked back to my bed and cralwed under the covers. I put the covers over my head and I began to cry. I cried myself to sleep thinking about everything that happened less that 3 hours ago.

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