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A beautiful gray werewolf jumped at the hunter with the gun held up to me. He got off the hunter and said "follow me". I transformed into my wolf and I ran behind him. We took a lot of sharp turns to avoid the bullets being shot at us.

We climbed up a steep mountain quickly and went into a small cave. I caught my breath and I said "thank you so much". He said "your welcome and we both shifted back into our hunam forms. I brough my knees up to my chest and wrapped my lets around my knees. He put on a pair of boxers hid behind a rock. He got me a blanket and wrapped in around me.

He sat down next to me and asked "what the hell were you doing"? I siad "well, there was a wolf that attacked humans for no reason, so we executed them". He said "well are you ok, I mean I would be a bit scared after I had a gun waved in my face. I smiled and said "well I was rescued so I'll be fine".

It started to rain so he started to shiver. I felt bad because he only had a pair of boxers on. He walked deeper into the cave and said "I know this isnt much, but you will be a bit more comfortable. I grabbed the boxers and shirt he handed me. He turned around so I could change. After I was done I said "you can turn around now". He sat next to me and I wrapped some of my blanket around him. I siad "I should go back home". He said "not with those hunters out there".

I laid back and be brought over 2 pillows. I sat up again and I asked "do you live here or something"? He laughed a bit and said "well if I ever need a place to thy and hide I come here". I have a coolor full of food and drinks deeper into the cave". I smiled and said "well, good thing you have all this stuff".

I grabbed a pillow and I laid my head on it. I curled into a ball under the blanket because I was so cold. I asked "whats your name"? He said "my name is Danny". I smiled and said "nice to meet you, my name is Shelby". He said "thats a beautiful name". I smiled and said "thanks".

I gave him some of the blanket and said "here take this, I can feel you shivering". He took some of the blanket and said "thanks". I said "no problem" and I shook because I was freezing. Danny scooted over closer to me and said "if we lay right beside eachother our body heat will warm eachother up". I scooted closer to him until our skin hit.

I was unstantly warming up. I smiled and asked "wow, how are you so warm"? I looked at him and he smiled. He said "I've been practicing, its a new power I'm getting". I said "well that power is good, actually it's awesome". He asked are you a luna"? I smiled and said "yeah". He sat up and said "sit up". I did and he said "ok you have this power too, think of a ball of heat, then move it over your body". I did and I instanty warmed up. I said "wow, thats awesome".

I laid back down and said "thanks, thats an awesome new power". I thought for a second and asked "are you an alpha"? He smiled and glowed his eyes at me. She said "if you didnt get that hint, yes I am". I asked "but isnt the alphas fur black"? He said "My fur was black until I got kicked out of my first group, now I am my own alpha".

I asked "do you have a mate". He sighed and said "nobody wants me, they think I am an outcast because I got kicked out of my old group, all the wolves know". I said "I dont think your an outcast".

I felt his arm wrap around my waist and he said "thanks sweetheart". I grabbed his arm and moved it off. I moved it away and said "sorry, but I already have a mate". He asked "oh yeah, who is it"? I said "Reedus". He laughed and said "are you serious, Reedus is your mate, he is the biggest player ever. He has marked so many girls as his". I shot up and asked "are you lying to me"? He said "I swear, my sister can tell you all about Reedus".

He howled and a small howl came back. A girl appeared and came into the cave. She asked "what do you want, I'm trying to hunt". He said "come on over here, tell my friend here a little thing about here mate Reedus". She laughed and said "honey your wasting your time. He marked me, said he loved me, then when he found a prettier girl than me he threw me away like I was a pile of garbage". She smiled and said "next time you see his chest, ask him about the scar on his rib, it's from me". "If he tells you a lie say Megan told you".

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