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I gulped as I looked into the chest. She pulled out a bow and handed me a sliver arrow. She said "you cant tell anyone, but I hunt werewolves". I took in a deep breath and I asked "where is the bathroom"? She asked "are you ok"? I smiled and said "yeah, I just need to pee". She said "go into the hall and it's the first one to your right".

As soon as I got out of her room I ran into the bathroom and shut the door behind me. I ran over to the mirror and stared at myself. My eyes were glowing bright yellow with the fear. I said to myself "I cant believe this, she cant be a hunter". I splashed water onto my face so my eyes would stop glowing. They slowly went back to normal, but my heart still pounded.

I walked out of the bathroom then went back into her room. I asked "so umm, was Mr. Neal one of your hunting partners"? She frowned and said "yeah, I feel guilty because I didnt go on the night that him and some of the others dies". I said "it's not your fault at all". I tried to play it like I had no idea that werewolves were real. I asked "so have you ever killed one"? She smiled and said "many of times".

My stomach twisted into knots and I asked "how many"? She said "more than I could count". My wolf whimpered and I could tell that Reedus heard it. He asked "whats wrong"? I didnt want him to know about this so I didnt answer him. I looked over at her and she said "please dont tell anyone".

I said "I wont". She walked over to her computer and pulled up her videos. She said "come here, I need to show you this wolf". I wathced the video and thought to myself "oh shit, thats me". Then my brother and Reedus came into the camera. Soon the whole pack was in the video. I asked "were you hunting them"? She said "yeah, I managed to get one, but the rest took off". I asked "who is that"? I pointed to me and she said "thats a new one, I believe it is the female, but I'm not to sure".

I asked "what would you do if you were friends with one"? She frowned and sadly said "I would have to kill them". I asked "even if you knew them"? She said "yeah, thats what Mr. Neal said. She got up and asked "you live in the woods, do you ever hear any howls"? I said "no" and looked away. She said "I really want that white wolf, it has beautiful fur. I panicked because she was refering to my brother.

I said "well they dont seem to bother you, as soon as you shoot they run away".  She said "Mr. Neal taught me to kill them no matter what". I asked "do you hunt vampires too"? She smiled and said "sometimes, but I specialize in werewolves".

She continued and said "my father helps me hunt vampires". I said "well thats good, is there anyone else that hepls you hunt them"? She smiled and said "yeah, a lot of the people on my phone are hunters. She handed me her phone and I looked through her contacts. I said "wow, thats a lot". She said "yeah, but we break off into groups".

She jumped up and said "hey you should come with me tonight"! I asked " to where"? She laughed and said "hunting". I asked "what are we hunting"? She smiled and said "my favorite, werewolfves". My stomach kept churnning and I said "I wont be any good". She said "nonsence, I will give you a gun with silver bullets in it. You will practice with regular bullets first". I said "great" but I was terrified.

She grabbed my hand and we ran down the stairs. She walked us down to her basement and she opened the door. It looked like a torture chamber. She said "we have a live one in captivity, just caught it a few nights ago up in the mountains". She pulled back a curtain and a werewolf started to wiggle back and forth. They were trying to break free of the silver bars, but couldnt. It were straped to the table and it wasnt going anywhere.

She walked over to it and said "be careful, you dont wanna get to close". I walked up to it and it instantly submitted. I put my hand on its shoulder and I telepathically said "I promise I will get you out of her". It responded and said "ok, but please hurry". Elisha looked at me in awe and said "I cant believe it isnt attacking you". I said "see, not all wolves are mean and harmful. I will show you".

I climbed onto the table and sat next to the werewolf. She just started and couldnt believe what she was seeing. I stroked my hand through it's fur and it calmed down. It howled and said "my name is Nick". I quietly snarled and said "my name is Shelby".

I looked at Elisha and said "see, they can be nice and gentle". I hugged Nick and grapsed onto his fur. He hugged me back as best as he could, but he could only hug me back a bit because of the silver bars around his hands.

Elisha asked "how are you doing this"? I smiled and said "I love wolves, I'm gentle with them, and they can sence the good in me". I patted Nick on his big wolf head and he licked my cheek. I got off of the table and said "let him go, he isnt going to hurt anybody". She said "it's to risky". I said "please trust me, just let him go and I promise he wont hurt you".

Elisha walked over, but her dad came down. Nick howled "NO, NOT THIS GUY". Her dad locked at us and he screamed "ELISHA, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING"? She said "Shelby hunts them too, right Shelby". She looked over at me hopeing and praying that I would lie. I said in a quiet voice "I hunt them too".

Nick knew it was a lie and I was glad. Her dad walked over to me and handed me a knife. He said "well if you are a hunter then kill this one. I looked at Nick and said to her dad "no, I only kill them in the wild because they have a fighting chance, I never kill then when they cant defend themselves". Her dad took back the knife and said "well it's quite simple". He walked over and was about to stab Nick, but he broke his restraint.

Nick broke off the rest and ran . He ran upstairs and out the door. My heart calmed down and I was so happy. Elisha said "we will get him at nightfall". Her dad said "you better".

We walked up to her room and walked in. She walked to her closet and grabbed some clothes. She put them on and I took a look. She was wearing a leather jacket with a white shirt underneath. She also had on leather pants and gloves that were made to help shoot her bow. She grabbed her bow and some arrows and said "lets go". She handed me a gun and said "no time to practice lets go, NOW". Fear fluttered over me as we ran outside and into the woods behind her house.


Thanks for reading! what do you think will happen next? Comment me what you think will happen next. Also comment me if you want me to keep writing and give me some feedback! Follow me and I will follow you back! Add this book to your library because I update everyday! Thanks again for reading!

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