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I woke up to something touching me. I looked over and Brad said "wake up, we need to leave earliers than planned". I got worried and asked "why, is something wrong"? He said "no calm down nothings wrong, the full moon is coming a bit sooner than expected".

I got off of my bed and walking into my bathroom. I fixed my hair and quickly redid my make-up. I walked out and my brother said "c'mon we have 10 minutes". We ran downstairs and bolted out of the house.

As we ran I took in my surroundings. I breathed in and smelled the wonderful nature air. I looked over and smiled and Brad. We ran until we got to the cabin. I growled for Reedus to come out. He came out and ran over to me. He kissed me and wouldnt stop. I pushed him back and said "one of the hunters in my reading teacher. He was the one that killed Shane's brother".

Reedus whimpered, but the whimper quickly turned into a snarl. Shane came storming out and asked "is this true". I said "yes". His eyes started to glow and he began to freak out. He yelled "he dies tonight". He transformed and tried to run into the woods. I quickly transformed and ran after him.

I tackled him and pinned him to the ground. I growled a fierce growl and he submitted. He turned human, but I stayed in my werewolf form. I stared at him then Reedus walked over. He stroked his hand through my fur and said "baby it's ok, let him go and change back". I got off and transformed. Reedus hugged me and hid me as the rest of the pack came out.

The reason he hid me was because I was naked from the transformation. The pack said "hello Luna". I popped my head out from behind Reedus and said "hello everyone". The full moon began to come out so I said "if we cross paths with the hunters we kill them".hey all smiled and said "for Josh". Reedus turned his head towards me and whispered "Josh was Shane's brother".

I howled "to josh " and the full moon came out. We all felt our wolves excited to come out so we all started to run. We ran into the woods and began to transform. We all ran up to the rock and jumped off. Everybody midway down transformed and there was a huge bright light.

The pack bowed down as Reedus and I stood tall on all fours infront of them. Reedus looked at me and growled "ready to let out your inner Luna"? I smiled and said "i've never been more ready". We tilded back our heads and growled our mighty alpha growls.

A breeze came through and I caught the hunters scent. I growled and said "the hunters are nearby, everybody hide, I know what to do". They ran onto the rock and laid down so they wouldnt be seen. Reedus and I forced our wolves to transform into a human again. As soon as we turned human our wolved fought us to get back out and enjoy the full moon.

I let my craws and fangs come out. Reedus did the same and slashed his stomach making it look like he got attacked. He laid down on the ground and I screamed. The hunters came running thought the woods and saw us. Mr.Neal looked at me and asked "Shelby, is that you"? I covered myself up and said "help him".

One of the other hunters took off his jacket and wrapped it around me. The others bent down my Reedus. Mr. Neal asked "what the hell are you doing out here"? I looked up and smiled. I said "I should ask you the same thing". I growled and screamed "now". I grabbed Mr. Neal by the throat as Reedus turned back into a wolf.

The other pack members sprang out from the rock and they began to attack all of the hunters. Mr. Neal looked at me and said "get out of here while you can, there are werewolved right over there". I glowed my eyes at him and showed him my sharp wolf fangs. I said "I am one".

I threw him down to the ground and said "you got one minute to run, then we come after you". I turned into a wolf and grabbed all of his weapons. He began to run and started yelling. Shane walked over and looked at me. I looked at him and his beautiful wolf. He had grey and white fur.

I said "I'll get him then you finish him off. I ran and said "get behind me. As we ran we heard him scream in pain. We caught up to him and smiled. He got his foot caught in his own bear trap. I walked towards him and turned into my human. I picked him up off of the ground and I asked "any last words"? Then I transformed back into my wolf.

He smiled and started to laugh. He took a knife out of his boot and stabbed me in the chest. I dropped him and started to gasp for air. Shane looked at me and howled for Reedus. Then he tackled Mr. Neal and bit down on his neck. He pulled up and ripped his throat open.

Reedus and the rest of the pack came running to us in their human forms. They all stopped when they looked down at me. Brad and Reedus rushed over to me. Reedus started to cry and my brother said "it's ok, well get you back to the cabin".

I turned back into my human form and my wolf whimpered and whined. I screamed in pain as Reedus ran with me in his arms. The rest of them transformed and ran infront of us. They made sure the coast was clear for Reedus to get me back to the cabin. Reedus transformed and put me on his back.

When we reached the cabin he brought me inside and put boxers and a shirt on me. Then he took me to the bedroom and laid me down on the bed. He ripped out the knife and I screamed in pain. I started gasping for air and the pack came in. They all crowded around the bed and everyone was doing something. Reedus was trying to stop the blood, Brad was holding onto my hand, Shane was trying to talk to me, and the rest of the pack was handing stuff to them. I gasped for air then I closed my eyes slipping into the darkness.


Oh boy! What will happen? Will she die or live? Comment me your feedbacks and comment if you want me to keep writing! Follow me and I will follow you! I will be busy this weekend so you will find out what happens to her on Sunday! Sorry, but I have to do it! So come back sunday to see what happens! Thank you so much for reading SO FAR! hint hint. I might let her live, I'm only on chapter 12! But you wont know until Sunday! Keep on reading! :)

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