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Someone knocked on my door so I said "just a second". I wiped my tears off my face and I walked over to the door. I switched my room light on so they could see me. Dustin was standing outside my door. He asked "are you ok"? I said "yeah, why wouldnt I be". He said "well I heard you crying". I said "dont worry about me, I'm just upset about Danny". Dustin got closer to me and said "well if you need anything just knock on the wall and I'll be over in seconds".

He exited the room and I shut the door. I walked over to my bed again and crawled under the warm covers. I remembered how he said that I could communicate with my banshee. I couldnt sleep so I tried to talk to her. I looked deep inside my mind and asked "can you hear me"? She replied in a hushed voice "yes my dear". I asked "how will I know when someone is in danger or is about to die"? She said "dont worry dear, I will warn you, I will scream which will make you scream. Then you will get these quick flashes in your head. You will also be able to hears things that others cant".

I smiled and said "are you my guardian"? She said "both your wolf and I are". I smiled and said "how did I get part banshee"? She said "your grandmother on your mom's side. She was a powerful banshee, but you are more powerful than her". I was about to say something, but she cut me off. She said "rest child, we can talk some other time".

I said "good night" and tried to relax my body. As I was drifting off my wolf said "dont forget about me". I asked "why would I forget about you"? She said "your vampire is taking over, I just dont want you to ever forget about me and leave me trapped in here". I said "I wont ever forget about you, I promise". I said "lets get some rest". She said "good idea", then we both went to sleep.

I woke up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat. I wiped my forehead to get the sweat off. My heart was beating fast so my wolf said "relax, it was just a nightmare". I laid back down and went back to sleep.

A knock came from my door. I opened my eyes and rubbed them. I sat up and looked at the digital clock sitting on the desk. The clock read 6:45 a.m. I got up and walked over to the door. It was Dustin again. He said "good morning, time for your training". I asked "training" not expecting to be trained. He said "yeah, we are training for the upcoming war". I asked "war with who"? He smiled and said "lets just say you are familiar with them.

I thought for a second then said "no, not my pack". He said "Reedus declared war, so a war is what he's getting". I said "please dont make me fight in it". He said "well you will either be a vampire or a werewolf in this fight so I will give you until 8 a.m to decide".

He walked away so I closed my door. I thoguht long and hard about my decision. It only took me about 5 minutes to decide.I didnt know the vampires to much, but on the other hand Reedus hates me  and killed Danny. My own brother tackled me ontop of the mountain and growled at me. I opened the door and walked down to the office where I met him yesterday. Dustin walked over and asked "well, who are you siding with"?

I smiled and said "you". He smiled and said "excellent". I said "school, crap I'm gonna be late". He said "dont worry, I can get you there in about 5 minutes. He said "get dressed and meet me outside". I ran back donw the hall and into my room. I remembered that I would be seeing Mike in class today so I picked out an outfit that would make him sorry that he cheated on me.

I put on a bra and a cute flowy half shirt. Then I put on a pair of shorts because it was really hot outside. I did my make-up then I straightened my hair. I put some sneakers on and I ran outside. I walked over to Dustin and he just stared when he looked at me. He smiled and said "you look very pretty". I smiled and said "thanks".

I looked at his car. It was very nice, nicer that Mikes by a long shot. It was a bright blue Bugatti. When I went to open the door it lifted up into the air. I said "this is an awesome car". He said "yeah, the guy I took it from had about 10 more, so he wouldnt mind. I smiled and said "bad boy". He smiled and said "very bad".

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