Getting the job...well internship.

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Ch. 2

Before I went to work, I was lucky enough to get a cup of coffee from Starbucks since I completely forgot to make coffee this morning. Driving through Hollywood feels like a dream, it makes me feel like an opportunity is just around the corner. I found the building in a flash since it was the tallest one around. Luckily there was a parking lot for employees but that will have to wait if I do get hired. There was parking right in front of the building, looks like today is my lucky day.

I got off my car and put coins in the meter so I don't get a ticket. I checked both sides before walking across the street and hoping that I won't get run over like those poor dogs I have seen in Mexico for vacation. Anxiously, I looked for a trash can since I have finished my delicious coffee. Ah, there it was in front of that lonely tree.

After I have thrown the empty cup away, I noticed how beautiful this location was. There was beautiful flowers and breathtaking fountains in every corner! It looks like that garden where Meg took Hercules after he has been savagely attacked by his fans. Take my word for it. Walking through this paradise felt unreal and I didn't even feel real. It soon came to an end when security asked for my card to enter the building. Hm, I didn't know they had strict security here. Well, when I entered the building, it looked like a beach house, it had a spectacular view of the mountains and that unique Hollywood sign.

It looked a bit too clean assuming that there is someone special was going to be here, like a major celebrity.

“Everyone, this building better be spotless by tomorrow or else everyone is out of a job!” I didn't know who said that but I'm scared as hell.

Is there time to head back? No, this is my dream, and nothing is going to stop me. I looked for a map or something to tell me where I had to go. There was a lady who looked like she knew her way around.

“Excuse me, ma'am?” I asked slowly approaching.

“Yes, how may I help you?”

“ Do you know where I could find Colton Pierre?”

“Ah yes, he is on the highest floor.”

“Okay, thank you very much! Have a great day.”

“You too, Eva.” I was astounded that she knew my name, but then I realized that the security gave me a name tag.

Jeez, these things always happen to me. As I walked to the elevator, I pulled out my phone so I can listen to Adam Lambert sing like a god. I would do anything to just simply meet Adam, he is my light in the my darkest of rooms. I was a depressed child because I was always that back-up friend that nobody wanted unless they needed me. I was always that. My mom was an alcoholic, she drank everyday and she would say horrible things to my brother and I. We were like her slaves. There were several times where divorce were threatened by my mother. She was a whole different person by night. I always loved her because I couldn't blame her. Adam's music spoke to me because it was as if he was singing how I felt about myself. He understood me when nobody else could, I haven't even met the guy, and he doesn't even know I exist.

Back to reality, the elevator came down after a few moments after I pressed the button heading upwards. The doors finally opened, and I entered it. Right when the doors were about to close, this man a few inches taller, walked in quite smoothly. Hey, he was pretty cute... just kidding did I say pretty cute? I mean like HOT. He had short blond hair and had the lightest of green of eye color there was. He was muscular but not so much it's overwhelming, and he had a fresh look. He wore a light, navy blue coat which is weird since it was July, and he had dark jeans and blue vans. Model material right there. I looked away so I won't look like a creep. He looked a bit nervous observing how his hand was shaking trying to press the top floor.....

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