I didn't see that coming

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I walked up the stairs slowly towards the door Colton was blocking. A lot of things were going through my mind of what will happen or what he will say.

"Where have you been?! I was worried sick!" Colton yelled.

I rolled my eyes and pushed my way through the door heading to my room.

"I'm talking to you! Don't ignore me!" He said and grabbed my arm.

"Why do you even care? You ignore me 24/7 and now you decide to give a s**t about me?  " I snapped at him. I shocked myself of the fact that I cursed. I rarely cursed unless I was by myself or my brother.

Colton stood there dumbfounded. I immeditaly felt bad that I snapped at him like that.

"What is your problem?" he asked.

My anger rised back up again.

"My problem? You are the problem. I have been living in this house for weeks and you ignore me for your work! Actually, scratch that, for that girl you are cheating me with!" I shouted.

"Wha-what are you talking about?!"

"Don't act like you dont know! I heard you talking over the phone to your lover. I can't believe you did this to me!" I said while my eyes were getting watery.

"You are crazy! You spend to much time with thise freaks you call friends!" Colton responded.

I gasped. I can not believ he just called them freaks.

"Those freaks you say, are ten times much more real than you. You are nothing but reusable. Trashy and over used." I spat out.

His eyes widened. And before I knew it, his hand sllaped my face. I placed my hand on my face and it stinged. I checked my hand if it caught some blood but it didn't. I looked at Colton slowly. He looked at me stunned.

"I-I'm s-so sorry, E-Eva." Colton stuttered.

I turned away and headed to my room with my hand still on my cheek. I went in and slammed the door shut. I went to find a luggage in my closet, and sure enough I did.

"Eva! Please forgive me! I am so so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. Let's talk about this now." Colton begged while standing behind the door. I got all of my belongings and stuffed it all in the luggage. My eyes were getting blurry and tears were running down my face. I wiped them off and started mumbling to myself. After I was done packing, I pulled myself together and walked out. Colton tried to talk this out but when it comes to physically hurting someone, I'm not going to pay any attention.

I went to my mustang and left the hell hole that I used to call "home". I didn't know where to go but I knew who to go talk to. I went to Adam's. I wiped the tears that were running away as I got to his house. I went uo his front door and knocked. After a few seconds, he opened the door.

"Eva?" He said.

I went up to him and hugged him ever so tightly. I cried in his chest.

He guided me in and closed the door.

"What's wrong Eva?" He asked.

He sat me down on his couch that was very comfy. And his eyes widened. He gently turned my cheek and his eyebrows rised up.

"Who did this to you?! Was it that Colton?! I swear, if I see that guy one more time, he's screwed!" He bursted.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for every wrong doing I have done to you. I'm a horrible person." I confessed to him.

He looked at me forgivingly and hugged me.

"Dont worry about that. I'm sorry. We were just angry, it meant nothing." He told me.

"I'm glad you came to our company because I would have never had the chance to be with you." I said.

"It's like it was meant to be." He responded.

And after that, we both fell asleep by his fireplace.

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