Lets party!

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Eva's POV

"Then it's settled! I shall pick all of you guys up at 8 pm." Colton said excitedly.

"Yay! Ash and I will be at Adam's place, so you won't have to drive from place to place." Tommy announced.

"How do you know our adresses, Colton?" I asked.

"Well, I just know."

"Wow, so not creepy." I said with sarcasm.

"Alright, so I'm gonna leave now so I can get ready to PARTAY! Dont forget us Coltie because I will find you and-" Ashley closed Tommy's mouth with her hand before Tommy could finish.

"Yea, okay bye guys!"Ashley quickly said before she removed her hand from Tommy.

After they left, Colton looked at Adam with shock.

"That's my boy Tommy. You gotta get used to him. And watch out for him." Adam cautioned.

I giggled knowing what Adam said was true.

"...Alrighty then, so I'm gonna leave now and pick you guys up. Eva, lock her up and look hot!" Colton declared.

"If I find something to wear!" I shouted back.

Colton left and Adam was left with me once more.

"Well isn't he open about you." Adam commented.

He looked like as if he didn't like Colton.

"It sounds like you don't like him, am I right?" I asked.

"Bingo. There's something about him that I don't like." Adam confessed.

"I like him. He's cool unlike the other guys I had crushes on, who were complete douches." I compared.

Adam's POV

"So...you have a ...crush on him?" I asked with my heart almost broken.

"Hmmm, well he's attractive that's for sure, but meh he's alright." Eva confessed.

"Oh. Well I'm happy for you." I lied.

Why would someone so valuable be with someone who could easily take advantage of them? I have to have her.

"I will be heading home to get ready for the club. See ya then." I murmured.

"Okay then, and remember to look hot!" Eva quoted.

"If I find something to wear!" I mimicked.

Eva laughed as I left. Heading to my car felt like forever since it was just in the parking lot behind the building. I arrived to my car and drove home with my heart ready to break. As I entered my home, I quickly went to my closet and picked out something party like yet still staying professional since I was with my co-workers. I had to make Colton jealous of my outfit. I picked out a dark grey vest and a lighter grey shirt to go under with jeans and black shoes. As for accesories, I wore my gauges and a watch. And a suit jacket in case if it was getting cold. It was only 6:00 pm, I had enough time to shower and have a snack. After I did what I said I would do, it was 7:30 pm. I got dressed, combed my hair and brushed my teeth. The doorbell rang and I could hear Tommy shouting for me to open up. I opened the door and saw Tommy with a dark blue shirt and had a leather jacket with black pants and converse. Ashley was wearing a dress with no straps and the top part of her dress was silver and glittery. Her bottom was a black pencil skirt. She had long black feather earings and her hair was all on her left side showing her buzz cut which was cool.

"Lookin' good you guys!" I complimented.

"I know, we are just that hot." Ashley bragged.

"Ah yes, you got that right." Tommy agreed.

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