The day keeps on getting better.

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After hours and hours of laughs and sharing memories, it was sadly time to head home. I never wanted this day to end after spending time with my favorite people in the whole wide world!

After Tommy and Ashley left, Colton and Adam were left with me. “I'll catch up with you guys later!” Adam shouted. “Yea don't you worry about it! And make a move already, she won't be waiting forever!” Ashley shouted back while exiting the studio. Tommy laughed so hard while the door closed behind them. 'Good job, Ash!' was all I heard Tommy say in the distance. Colton and I looked at Adam, whom he was staring at the door with his eyes and mouth wide open and red as a ripe tomatoe. He turned his face slowly towards us with and shy face. Good thing Colton was in-between us. Colton interrupted the awkward silence by asking a question that he's not supposed to ask,” So...who's this girl Ashley's talking abou-” “Nothing! Um, why don't we talk about something different like um like when I'm going to start singing here?” Adam asked, trying to change the subject quicly. “Well if you say so, you can start singing here tomorrow. Eva will attend to your needs... your every needs.” Colton offered, giving a little wink at the end of his sentence. Ugh, Colton officially made this relationship between Adam and I so much more awkward. “Well guys, I gotta take off so I can be prepared for tomorrow. Eva you got the keys to the studio, lock her up for me won't you?” Colton asked. “Yes, I-make-everything-awkward Colton.” I snarked. I heard a little giggle from Adam. “Yea, yea I get it. Don't sass me little girl.” Colton laughed. He left leaving Adam and I alone, in the silent studio.

It was around 9:23 p.m. So it was oddly romantic and nice. I know, my definition of romantic is being alone in a studio with my one true love at night. “Sooo,” I said, interrupting the silence,”are you excited to start singing tomorrow?” Adam's face was facing the floor, with his back slouched and elbows at his knees. He turned his head my way. “Umm, yea of course!” Adam replied with glee. He sat up straight feeling a bit more comfortable. “Oh good! I'm excited as well...Yeah so how do you like it here? I like it since today was technically my first day working here.” “ This is a good place honestly. The architect and design is really awesome, especially the people in it.” “Agreed.” Again the silence took over. “Well, I think it's time to go. Its getting late.” I announced. “Yeah you're right.” Adam agreed. We both stood up in unison then laughed at it together. “I can walk you to your car...if you would like?” Adam proposed as we headed out the door. “Yeah, sure! That would be nice.” I accepted as I locked the door. After I locked the door, I turned around and I saw Adam with his arm bent. “Miss Eva, can you take the offer of grabbing my arm so I can escort you to your car?” Adam asked in a funny British accent. “Why of course young man. You may.” I mocked him with my so-called British accent. We both stood up straight and walked to the elevator like runway models. We had our fair share of laughs and stomach cramps due to the result of laughing too hard. “Wow! Nice ride!” Adam complemented as we got to the car. “Thank you! She's an oldie but she's still a beauty.” Adam smiled at me when I said that.

I don't know why but my feelings for Adam has gotten stronger, but not feelings of a fan anymore, but something more than that.

I opened the car door. “Well Adam, thank you for taking you time to walk with me to my car.” “My pleasure, I can do this any day for you.” “Thanks, that's very sweet of you.” “Your welcome, Eva.” We got lost into each other's eyes once again. I looked at his sweet, tender, freckled lips while he did the same. “Um, see ya tomorrow....take care.” I said after snapping back to reality. “Oh right!” Adam shook his head like as if he also came back from daydreaming,”Yea. See you tomorrow too. Take care.” Adam walked to his car, which was a black 2013 Audi. He looked back a couple of times. He went into his car and sat there for a bit. I turned on my engine and drove away listening to Sleepwalker.

I stopped the car when the light turned red. I saw a car coming from behind on the left lane from the mirror, but I soon lost interest and faced back to the street. The car stopped right next to me which was awkward because I was listening to Sleepwalker still while it was quiet outside. “Eva!” the voice shouted. The voice sounded familiar. I turned my head facing where the voice came from. “Adam?! Did you follow me here?!” “Yeah! I needed your phone number in case if I had any questions about the studio!” “Then I will give you Colton's since he knows the place better than I do.” “No! I mean, uhhh I'd rather have yours.” Adam said almost demanding for my number. So he wants my number aye? Well the day keeps on getting better and better! “Ok Adam, here's my phone number that you have been craving for.” I handed him my number on a post-it-note. “Oh thank you so so much!” “Your welcome, Addie.” It was dark out but I could see his face flushed red. The light turned green and I drove away waving goodbye. I came home exhausted and happy at the same time. I went into the shower for a bit to relax and got out and changed into my nice, comfy pajamas. I jumped into my bed and set the alarm clock to 8:50 A.M. I'm excited for the day tomorrow will bring.

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