Feelings from Left to Right.

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Eva's POV

Weeks passed and living with Colton was very overwhelming. Servants, butlers, maids, chauffeurs, chefs, and bodyguards were flipping everywhere. I was always the one doing my stuff when I didn't live with him. I guess I lost my privilege of being myself since everyone did it for me.

Colton was always working on his office. He paid no attention to me. And let me just say that I'm not clingy but he practically ignored my existence. The only one who notices my existence was his workers and his Golden Retriever mix named Rover. Colton paid no attention to me at all that I was talking to Rover and started to talk to myself again. Might as well stayed in my own apartment by myself.

I had my own room and it was gorgeous. It had a balcony view of the beach and it was sunny out. Rover licked my leg and I turned towards him and bent down to pet him.

"Goodmorning, Rover." I said.

Rover wagged his tail and licked my cheek. Rover then left to go outside. I was left alone. I got up and grabbed my phone to check on it and sat on the edge of my bed.

Adam tweeted about his album and that he was gonna release it soon. I already knew that, I work with the guy. I saw tweets and pictures of him and Sauli being all cuddly and up each other's faces. Why can't Colton and I be like that? I asked myself. No, don't ask that question. You guys are like that....on camara. Fix it before you lose him! I scolded myself. I got up from my bed and went to the bathroom to freshen myself up.

"I'm gonna fix this because I care." I told myself for motivation. I walked straight to Colton's office door with my head held high. On second thought... I said as I was face to face with his door. No, you got this. No regrets. I knocked on the door.

"Come in." Colton said.

I opened the door and saw him sitting on his chair with papers everywhere.

"Goodmorning sweetie." Colton greeted.

"Goodmorning, Colton." I said back.

"What can I do for you?" Colton asked.

"Well, it's what you can do for me, but what I need from you." I told him.

Colton looked my way, confused.

"It's about our relationship. We barely see each other and you pay no attention to me at all. I know you are a busy person, but I need you with me. To be with me. Physically and figuratively." I confessed to him.

He looked back to his computer and made facial expressions telling me that he was thinking.  He looked back at me.

"I see where you are coming from. I'm glad that you realize that I'm busy, but it's really hard for me to be with you. It really is. I'm sorry I'm not there with you when you feel I should be there." He apologized.

I felt so upset. He looked back to his computer.

"Okay. Well, see ya whenever I can." I said.

I turned and left the office. I heard Colton talking after I closed the door.

"Sorry I was off for a bit, my girlfriend was complaining about my lack of time being with her....Yeah yeah. I'll be at your place soon. We are gonna have some fun tonight babe." He said and hung up.

I was furious. My hands clenched up. Colton was cheating on me. I calmed myself down after I ran to my room. No. You will not cry. You will be happy. You don't need him anyways. Go out with some friends and have some fun. I smiled. I called up the gang. Even Adam. They all agreed into showing up for some fun.

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