Please Don't Leave Me

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Adam's POV

What was she talking about?

She left me and went straight to the waiting station for our jet because it wasn't ready yet. I didn't understand what she mean't, and I assume it was something important since she looked really pissed off. I walked over to her with the chocolate bars still in my hands. 

"Is everything alright?" I ask her.

She looked up at me, with her arms and legs crossed, as if she wasn't metaphorically open and was hiding something.

"Yeah... I'm fine." She replies with uncertainty.

I raised and eyebrow, knowing that she wasn't.

"Alright. If you aren't ready to tell me, don't worry. You can tell me when you are." I offered her.

She wasn't able to look at my eyes nor reply.

After a couple of minutes, the jet was ready to depart. We both went on board with no words. She usually took a last look of Greece, but this time, she went right in. Then right there, I knew that something was up. I followed her inside the jet and I set the chocolate bars on the table. Eva sat down on her chair immediately and spun it around so she wouldn't be facing me. I felt hurt that she did that, but I didn't know what I did wrong.

Didn't she like me leaving her with Dylan?

Did she actually want something from the store?

Did she already miss Greece?

It was probably that she missed Greece. She will get over that soon. I know that for sure. I laid my head back on the comfy recliner. I then put in my earbuds and drifted off into a relaxing state.

Eva's POV

I was scared to look at Adam with such unfaithfulness. It was my fault that I didn't pull away fast enough. I let Dylan take me to a place I never went before. I closed my eyes and laid my head back, forcing myself to get rid of the sensation. But nothing helped me remove the memory. I looked behind and saw Adam sleeping, with his earbuds in and his legs were up as if he were sleeping in bed. Nobody was inside the jet except Adam and I. I looked at Adam with such sorrow, his sleeping mode looked so sincere and innocent while I was here wide open, experiencing the things I shouldn't be feeling with someone else.

You really got to get rid of that memory. He doesn't deserve it. Hopefully it will be gone in a couple of days.

I faced back to the wall and took a deep breath in then releasing it. I looked to my side and saw nothing but the sea. Then all of a sudden, I felt a drop of water on my hand. But it wasn't water, it was my tear that was soon becoming tears. I wiped away the trail of my tear, but then I couldn't stop wiping. I was as not wiping anything but my now red cheeks. Trying to get rid of the tears on my cheeks that never existed, was so frustrating that it turned out that it was not the tears I wanted to wipe away, but the troubles I have. Soon, after overthinking my troubles, my tears started to fall all at once. These cries were not the loud ones, but the most meaningful ones, the silent cry. Nobody knows that you are crying because you don't want them to. The one where you hold in the cries in your throat releasing nothing but tears. That was my cry.

I looked behind my seat in case Adam woke up, but he didn't. Relieved as I was, I was still hoping he was so he can comfort me. But how dare me, I don't deserve that. I got up from my seat and tiptoed to the bathroom. I closed the door behind me and I gave in. 10 minutes passed and I just laid there. I became self conscience and got up and washed my face so when I got out of the bathroom, I wouldn't look so puffy and red if anyone saw me. I left the bathroom as if nothing happened and sat down on my seat. Adam was still asleep and the ride was still moving. I don't know if I should tell him. What if he will hate Dylan and I? What if the marriage discontinues? What if Adam beats up Dylan for what he did? What if. What if. What if. That was all I could say. 

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