Now it's awkward.

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Eva's POV

We woke up to a sunny morning. Adam was wrapped around me and we were still on the couch. I freaked out because he was still dating Sauli and I couldn't ruin their relationship! I slickly removed his grip around me and got off the couch. I went to his nearest bathroom and washed myself up. I went back to where Adam was all rolled up.

Aw how cute. I got my phone and started to listen to music. It wasn't a while since I heard the door knock. Adam got up right away and paniced.

"Oh god, it's Sauli! Eva hide yourself before Sauli thinks something wrong." He commanded.

I tried finding a spot before Adam opened the door. Crap! I have to go to work too! I remembered. I found a decent place to the closet.

"Hi love!" Sauli greeted.

"Hey! I didn't expect to see you so early in the day." Adam said.

"Yeah,  I wanted to drive you to work. And did you get a new car? There's a gorgeous blue mustang outside." He commented.

Great, I'm screwed.

"Oh no, I'm just taking care of it for a friend." Adam lied.

"Oh ok. Well c'mon let's go. You don't wanna be late." Sauli said.

Whew. That was close.

I heard the door open and close. It was time to head my way. I went out and got inside my car. I blushed so hard. I flashbacked when he was wrapped around me.

Don't over think this. He probably thought you were a pillow. Remember the last time you over analysed something? True true.

I started my engine and made my way to work.

Once I got there, I realized how nervous I was. I checked the mirror if I got some mark on my cheek. Turns out that it was swollen. Not badly swollen but inflated. I figuratively dragged myself to work.

How are you gonna face Colton? Just don't hurt the guy...yet.

Up the elevator I go and went inside the place I felt safe in. I saw everyone there but Colton. I let out a sigh of relief.

I greeted everyone.

"Whoa! What happened to your cheek?" Tommy asked.

I covered my cheek.

"Yeah. What happened?" Ash asked.

I looked at Adam. He looked at me saying to lie.

"Ummmm, a mosquito bit me and uh it got infected." I lied.

They looked a bit concerned.

"Oh ok. Just put some ointment on it and it'll be better in no time." Ash told me.

"Really? It looked like someone slapped you. And I should know." Tommy commented.

My eyes widened.

Tommy and Ash looked at each other, then me, then at Adam.

It was silent.

"It was Colton wasn't it?" Ash asked.

I nodded and slightly bent my head down.

Colton came to the door. The boys covered me and Ash went by my side. Colton looked a bit confused. He was scanning the room and shut the door behind him.

Colton looked at me and scanned my face. He came closer towards me but stopped. He mouthed out I'm sorry.

I nodded. I went inside the studio and sat on the stool. I out on the earphones and played a song.

I all the time, to keep you off

my mind ooh ooh

Spent my locked up in a haze trying to forget

you babe but I fall back down

but I gotta stay

all my life, to forget I'm missing you. Taking me higher than I ever been before,

Im holding the back shouting give me more, you are just a hideaway, you're just a feeling, you let my heart escape, beyond the meaning, even I cant find a way to stop

the storm...

"Now you know how I feel." I said through the mic.

They all looked at Colton.

"Now let's go to work." I announced.

We worked for a couple of hours silently and awkwardly. Colton decided to leave a smidge early. Ash and Tommy told us that they were gonna go out to get some Chinese food. Adam and I were alone once more. I went inside the studio and started cleaning. Adam came with me.

"Funny that Sauli haven't called you yet." I mocked now sitting on the stool.

"Actually he has. 3 times. That boy is something." He laughed.

Adam was walking towards the black couch in the studio making himself comfortable.

"Mhm. But he's a good guy. So you're lucky." I told him.

Adam hesitated.

"Yeah. I guess I am lucky." Adam placed his head back and put on his earphones.

I watched him slowly closing his eyes and his foot moving up and down as if following to the beat of the music.

Adam looked so vulnerable like that. His eybrows furrowed and was mouthing words to the song I assumed.

He's so perfect. Do something about it!! He's right there giving you an opportunity without even knowing it! Do it! My conscience advised me.

I felt motivated. What should I do though? Don't do anything. Just let it be.

Adam's POV

I felt so comfortable. Music played through my ears, giving me, and only me, pleasure. It was bit to quiet. Was Eva still there? I was about to open my eyes, but felt foot steps so I didn't.

Then I felt the couch move alittle. Was it an earthquake? Nah it's just me.

The song If I Lose Myself still played. The song that Eva and I danced to. I remember

when I first kissed her. I remember it so clearly. I wish to relive that moment once more.

I then felt something nearing me. It was that feeling as if you were being watched.

Eva's POV

I knew I was going to be embarrassed by this, but here goes nothing. I leaned in and kissed him like I never did before.

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