Chapter 10 - Frontierland

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"Look, it's here somewhere. Help me move this." Sam says, gesturing to the desk.

Bobby walks over to the other side and they slide it out of the way. We're back at Samuel's hunting base, looking for something to help us take down Eve. Sam kneels down on the ground, his eyes locked on something. He reaches forward and pulls a nail up out of the floor before lifting up the panel, it looking like a door leading down below.

"Well I'll be damned." Bobby murmurs, a smile playing on his lips.

Sam begins to crawl through the space and down a ladder, Dean following soon after him. I sit down on the edge, placing my feet securely on the rung. I slowly make my way down the ladder, it taking longer for me due to my ever expanding belly. I'm around seventeen weeks now, it being two weeks since the who alternate timeline thing.

My mind hasn't been able to really stop thinking about what happened and I think it's because I haven't spoken to Cas. I haven't seen him in those two weeks and I think he's been avoiding me, ignoring my prayers. It's making me anxious, it feeling wrong hiding this from Dean. But I know it's the best thing to do what with everything we've got going on right now.

"Welcome to the Campbell family library." Sam declares as my feet touch the bottom.

"You all right?" Dean asks, offering me a hand and I scowl at him, "I'm pregnant, not an invalid."

I step out of the way for Bobby to reach the bottom and take a look around. There are hundreds of books stacked haphazardly along the book shelves. On one wall are old time pictures pinned to the wall, creating an old timey collage.

"So Samuel collected all this stuff?" Dean asks.

"Apparently." Sam says and I look around amazed, "Wow."

"What are we looking for?" Dean asks, turning back to the men.

"Well, anything that'll put a run in the Octomom's stockings." Bobby states and I scoff as I look around, "Pick a row."

We all separate and we begin to search through the plethora of books, so much information to be learned. I search book after book, not finding a thing until I hear Bobby call out, "Bingo."

I pick up a book and find something which cause me to smile triumphantly before making my way over to the large desk in the middle. Soon enough the boys also find something and we begin to read through the lore, something we've all grown quite accustom to over the years.

"Either of you jokers ever heard anything about a Phoenix?" Bobby asks after awhile, looking up from his book.

"River, Joaquin or the giant flaming bird?" Dean asks, the sarcasm dripping from his tone.

"It says here that the ashes of a Phoenix can burn the Mother." Bobby reads and I give him a look, "The Mother?"

"Great. Where do we get one?" Dean asks and Bobby shrugs, "You got me. I thought it was a myth."

"All right, great. Well, let's see if we can find something out about a Phoenix." Sam says and I sigh, closing up my book and making my way back to the stacks.

After I've retrieved some books, I begin to scour through them in hopes of finding lore on the Phoenix. I let out a loud yawn as my eyes droop, having been up for the past sixteen hours.

"Guys, guys, guys, check this out!" Dean says excitedly, rushing over towards the table.

He takes a seat beside me, an older looks book in his hands. He looks down at the page and begins to read, "'March 5th, 1861. Sunrise, Wyoming. Gun killed a Phoenix today. Left a pile of smouldering ash.'"

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