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Daryl's pov

It's been days since the CDC and we've been on the run since. We never stay in one place for too long. Food is running scarce, hell the squirrels are even gettin better at hidin. Supplies been goin faster everyday. About a day ago we gave up my truck and now I ride Merle's bike. He'd kick my ass if he knew I was, but he's not here anymore. This group seems different, more broken than before the CDC, but no one has changed more than Mae. She hasn't said one word since the incident. She won't eat, won't even sleep. She's killin er self and she damn well knows it and it's like she don't even care. Her face is pale white and she's become skin and bones. She's not herself anymore. Losing Richard did a toll on er, but I'll be damned if I watch her die. Riding down the highway gave me lots of time to think. I don't know why but when she wrapped her arms around me while riding behind me gave me a new sense of security from this girl. She was still here and that's where she was gonna stay. Snapping out of my thoughts, I noticed a traffic pile up and brought my bike to a halt. Examining the area, I rode back to the rv where dale asked,

"You see a way though?"

Looking over my shoulder past Mae, I nodded and we began driving. We got about mid way through when a loud popping noise sounded from behind us. Turning the bike slightly, I saw the rv smokin.

"Damnit" I growled to myself and turned back towards the others.

Everyone started getting out of their cars as I put the kick stand down on the bike. Swinging my leg off, I noticed Mae hadn't moved. Just sat there starring down wight no emotion in her eyes.

"Ey c'mon" I said.

She just nodded and followed behind me as we made our way to the group.

"said it. Didn't I say it? A thousand times. Dead in the water." Dale grumbled.

"Problem dale?" Shane asked.

Mae's pov

Grandpa was gone. He gave up. He left me. He never cared. Why would he? Everything my dad told me was true. Everyone who says they love me leaves. It's my fault. He didn't deserve that! He should still be here, not me. Fighting the tears from my eyes, I tuned back into the conversation at hand.

"This is a grave yard" Lori said.

"I can siphon more fuel from these cars for a start. Maybe some water. Or food." T said.

Everyone nodded and started to look through different cars. In all honesty, I didn't want to move. i just wanted to sit here and wait for death. Running a hand through my hair, I made my way to a car a little further than the others. Not really caring if there were any walkers inside, I opened the trunk and found a bag filled with clothes. Rummaging throughout them, I had found a lot of kid ones which would be perfect for Sophia and Carl. Then I found some women's clothing. Rummaging through the bag, i started getting irritated when I couldn't find any hoodies or long sleeve shirts. Plus this was all rich people things! Why the hell didn't they just own a simple t shirt or something. That was until something caught my eye. Gripping onto it, I pulled out an orange shirt with a lighter orange flower on it. Orange had always been my favorite color. Holding the shirt up, I admired it's beauty. I never had any pretty things like this. I was lucky to even have a few clothes without holes in them.

"That's nice" a voice came from behind me causing me to jump.

Turning around quickly, I saw daryl adjust his crossbow on his back. Nodding, I turned back and put the shirt back in the bag.

"Ain't ya gonna take it?" He asked now standing right next to me.

Shaking my head, i heard him sigh,"look I know ya don't want anyone ta see yer scars, but ya can't go around wearin that long sleeve and sweatshirt shit in over 100 degree weather, it ain't good for ya"

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