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Daryl's pov

The cool night air blew against my face as I got back from my walk in the woods. The woods has always been a place to clear my head. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop seeing dale's face before I ended his life. I knew sleeping was pointless after that so I did what I do best when I start to feel somethin, I run. Finally entering the camp again, I stopped and looked over towards Mae's tent. I had an extremely strong urge to walk over and see how she was doing. Actually taking a step towards her camp, I stopped when ricks words shot through my head making me growl. Looking towards the others I noticed that no fire was lit and there was no movement so they had to be asleep. Remembering what she looked like when t was holding her I said,

"Fuck you Rick" and walked over to her tent.

Reaching it, I hesitated. How was I supposed to go about this? I ain't good with feelings of even comforting someone. How the hell do you even do that? Would she even want to be bothered? Let alone from me? She may want to be alone In which case I don't blame her. Sighing, I decided to just wing it and started to slowly unzip her tent.

"Mae?" I asked, "you alright?"

No answer. Shaking my head, I became silent and listened thinking maybe she was asleep or even just ignoring me, but I didn't even hear her breathing. Curiosity and worry both got the best of me so I stepped into her tent. Looking around, I noticed everything seemed to be as it was except Mae wasn't there. My heart started pounding so I quickly exited her tent and stormed to T dogs tent. He probably be the only person other than Rick to know where she was.

"Yo T!" I yelled from outside his tent.

I heard him grumble sleepily so I yelled again, "T!"

I started pacing back and forth as I heard movement coming from inside followed by a few tired curses. After what felt like forever, the zipper to the tent went down and T stuck his head out causing me to come to a halt. Yawning he asked,

"What's wrong Daryl? Don't you know what time it is man?"

"Yea I do. You know where Mae is?" I spat.

"She ran to her tent right after everything with dale went down. Why?" He asked.

"Nothin" I grunted and before he could say anything else, I stormed away.

Passing by the other camps my mind filled with rage. Where the hell is she? Why does she keep doin shit like this? Something caught my attention when I passed Shane's tent. His truck that is usually right next to it was gone. Sneaking up closer, I leaned towards the tent and could hear Shane snoring logs. Instantly my senses heightened and I ran back Mae's camp. Busting into her tent, I looked for any sign of where the girl went. My heart pounding. The last time I found her missing like this she had a gun to her head about to pull the trigger. My eyes searched her tent until I stopped on an open notebook on her cot. Picking it up, I flipped through the pages and found my self entranced with the drawings and writings on each page. Seeing my name on multiple pages, I just wanted to stop and read, but I couldn't. I felt like I was violating her privacy, like reading her diary. It was when I came to the last page that had a very detailed drawing of dale and under it read, "the groups broken" My gut twinges when I read over that and saw the face of the older man. Sighing, realizing there was no clue to help me find her, I flipped over the page to close the book when something caught my attention. There was another paragraph on a random page. Reading it my eyes widened,

Sophia, mom, grandpa, and now dale are gone.

Only time will tell till something else goes wrong

Dad always had a way to make him feel free.

Alcohol helped him, maybe it'll help me

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