Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I waited until exactly eight, then I opened my window. I slipped out and made sure it wouldn’t close. Michael was waiting by the next house for me. He’s smart, now no one will get suspicious.

I hopped in his car and gave him a hug. Once I was buckled in he sped down the road. I don’t know where we’re going, but I really don’t care. Actually I hope that we go to Gwen’s house. But she’s having dinner with her fiancé. Let’s crash the dinner. It could be over, why would Michael be able to leave?

“Michael are we going to your mom’s?” I causally asked him.

“Sadly,” he sighed.

“What’s wrong?”

“I just don’t like her fiancé,” he muttered.

“Have you told your mom?”

“No, it would crush her heart.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

“At least his kids went home.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Stop saying sorry for something that isn’t your fault.”


He covered my mouth with his hand. “Don’t say it.”

“Ofsay,” was my muffled attempt at “okay”.

He removed his hand from my face and continued to drive. I could tell he wasn’t happy. His whole body was tense and he clung to the steering wheel as if his life depended on it. Poor Michael, I haven’t seen him like this for awhile now. I think the last time was when his mom got in a car crash.

It was really hard on him when his mom got in an accident. He didn’t come around as much, and then when he did he was crying. Michael’s grades started to slip and it was hard to keep money in his family. His mom was out of work for a little while and Michael was still trying to keep his grades afloat.

That was a horrible time. I wanted to cry with Michael, of course I had other things to worry about. See that’s the horrible thing about me; I wasn’t there for him. I wasn’t the best friend I could’ve been. I really wish I had been but I wasn’t. I don’t think he really noticed. It doesn’t matter because I noticed.

I’m a horrible person. I guess the apple really doesn’t fall far from the tree. Look at my mom, look at my sisters, and then look at me. All horrible people. I guess there wasn’t enough of my dad’s good personality to cancel out my mom's. She wasn’t the best person even when he was alive.

“You coming?” My head snapped to Michael. I looked at his mom’s house. I must’ve got lost in my thoughts….drowning in the guilt.

“Yeah,” I sighed and climbed out of his car.

There was another car in the driveway. It must be Gwen’s fiancé’s car. I noticed Michael glaring at it out of the corner of my eye. I don’t think I’ve seen him hate anybody as much as right now. I wonder what this guy did. He obviously had to do something to make Michael not like him.

I walked in the front door like I owned the place and Michael closed it behind me. There was no one in the living room and from what I could tell no one in the kitchen either. What is Gwen doing? No Bree, those are bad thoughts. Shield your innocent mind.

“Mom I’m home!” Michael yelled. His yell echoed throughout the house and there was no reply.

“Michael, I think I know what might be going on,” I said quietly.

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