Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

I walked into the dormitory in Michael’s boxers and a big t-shirt. The guys lazing about all took notice of me. I sighed as I walked next to Michael. I must look great considering I still look like I’ve just got out of bed. One guy gave me a big smile and a wink while his friend decided I was open game. He walked right up to Michael and I, we didn’t know what he was doing. Out of no where he reached around and squeezed my butt. I yelped and Michael almost beat the kid up then and there.

I could hear Drew’s voice coming from Michael’s dorm. I didn’t hesitate to walk in and sit down on Michael’s bed. Drew glanced at me and went back to playing the video game. Nick came strolling out of the bathroom and stopped to look at me. Yeah, I look amazing.

“Nice fashion statement,” Nick said. “I can honestly say that I still want to sleep with you regardless of what you’re wearing.”

I made a gagging noise just as Michael did. We laughed together as Nick looked at us. We’re not weird, you are Nick. I stuck my tongue out at him and he just rolled his eyes.

“Here are your clothes,” Michael muttered. He thrust some of my clothes into my hands and pushed me towards the bathroom. “Can’t have you putting on a show for my roommates here,” he said quietly to me.

I quickly changed and combed through my hair. I really hope that neither of them have head lice, that would be disgusting. I looked under the sink and found an unused toothbrush. I brushed my teeth and walked out feeling somewhat refreshed. Michael was sleeping on his bed.

“Why hello hottie!” Nick said as he snaked his arms around my waist. I struggled to get out of his arms but stopped when I felt a bulge. That better be something in his pockets.

“Yeah, it’s what you think it is.” I shuddered at the thought and Nick laughed.

“Michael, a little help here.” Michael looked up at us and looked annoyed. Come on I’m your best friend, don’t roll your eyes at me. Unless you are rolling them at Nick, then that’s okay. Damn it, talking to people telepathically never worked before.

“Dude, can I steal her?” Nick asked.

“No, Nick, you cannot steal my best friend. She has to go get her dress for the wedding.”

“You guys are getting married?!” Nick said with astonishment. You are a little slow there Nick.

I couldn’t help but laugh and neither could Michael. “No. She needs to get a dress for my mom’s wedding.”

“Oh,” was all Nick said before releasing me. I gave a big smile and then locked arms with Michael.

“Skip with me!” I screamed at him.

“Fine!” Michael yelled back.

That’s how we found ourselves skipping through the mall with his mom following behind us. We headed for the food court and my stomach started to growl even more. There was just so many different smells. I mean there’s a McDonalds, a Burger King, a Subway, A Mimos, a Tod, hockey players, a Taco Bell. I stopped dead in my tracks and my stomach lurched. I think I’m going to throw up!

Michael continued to push me towards the food court. Tod noticed me first and smiled. He is not supposed to notice me. He is supposed to hang out with his friends and not even look at me when I pass by. It is not normal for him to smile at me. Ever since Will showed up things have been different. It’s all his fault. Maybe I’m being a little harsh on the guy, but still.

I ran past them and towards the bathroom. By this time I managed to unhook myself from Michael and run into the ladies room. I locked myself in a stall and sat on the floor. If they are here then Will has to be close by. It’s not normal for him to not be with the hockey players.

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