Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

A few months have passed since Preston and I got together. My mom is doing really well with quitting. My sisters and I get along well. We put up an act at school. Preston and I are doing wonderful. The only thing is I see Will a lot now. I don’t talk to him at all and I try to ignore him. It eats at me, though, when I see him. I’ve yet to see Michael, and that’s fine with me. I see Nick in the halls at the university sometimes.

Today is actually Preston and I’s three month anniversary. We’re not doing anything special or getting any gifts. Instead we’re going to the hockey game at the rink today. It’s my school against a rival school.

I walked out of the building to see Preston’s car idling. He was coolly leaning against it trying to be nice to a bunch of girls. Preston’s pretty hot. Okay really hot. I walked up to him. He gave me a kiss to which the girls gave me glares.

“Hey baby, ready to get going?” he asked me.

“Yeah, but the game doesn’t start for awhile,” I said.

“I know, I was thinking we could go back to that ice cream stand.” he smiled.

“Preston, it was cold then and it’s even colder now. You really want to go get ice cream.” He shrugged at me. I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Preston?” someone asked from behind me.

“Adam?” Preston asked.

I stood up and backed up to look at the two people. It was Mr. Landor’s son who was talking to Preston. Well this is awkward. Maybe they know each other from college or something.

“I didn’t know you were teaching here,” Preston said.

“Yeah, what are you doing here?” Adam asked.

“I’m picking up my girlfriend.” Preston smirked.

“You mean Brenna, she’s an amazing student.” Both of the guys looked at me.

“Well this awkward,” I said. “How do you two know each other?”

“We’re brothers,” they said in unison.

“Oh,” I failed to say anything else.

I placed my bag in the back of Preston’s car. They talked about something. It’s so weird to see my teacher and my boyfriend talking. Wait. This means Mr. Landor is Preston’s dad. Okay, things just got weirder.

“Well, it was nice seeing you. We should get going,” Preston said.

I got in the car with Preston. He instantly took my hand. Bianca was standing with Lisa and Hailey. She glared at me as we passed but made sure to give Preston a flirtatious wave. My sisters just gave me a secret thumbs up and smiles. I had introduced Preston to my sisters. They liked him a lot, but not to the extent where they would try and take him.

“Thanks for picking me up,” I said.

“No problem. Anything for you.” I turned the radio on. The beat was nice although I didn’t listen to the lyrics. Preston sat there singing along to the music.

“You’re weird, you know that right?” I laughed.

“I’m only weird for you,” he said and winked.

“You’re cool.”

“And chivalrous.” I laughed. It felt good to be with Preston. He’s the only other person besides Michael that can make me laugh. The sad part is I still think about Michael months after what happened.

We blew off going to the ice cream stand. That’s a good thing. It’s freezing outside. I wouldn’t be able to eat ice cream at this temperature. Instead we went to the rink. When we walked into the lobby I froze. Dan was sitting at his counter. Well no duh. But I haven’t talked to him since I left.

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