Sweeter Than The Sun

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         Jack takes a running start and jumps up onto the fencing. His feet landing perfectly like he's done is a million times before. He scrambles up like a spider on a web and makes it to the other side in no time flat. Leaving Mark on the other side dumbfounded.

         "What the fuck?" Mark mumbles. He then starts to climb but much clumsier.

          "Hey! You two get back here!" A teacher screams and Jack sees its Mr. Marshall. Must have gone looking after gym, Jack thinks to himself quickly.

            "Mark hurry the hell up!" Jack whisper yells as Mark stumbles over the fence. A race starts as Mr. Marshall begins to race toward them at a terrifying speed. Mark hopes over the fence at just the rate Mr. Marshall grabs for his foot. As soon as Mark hits the ground they take off springing.

             "See you later Marsh!" Jack yells turning around and giving the middle finger as he fades into the distance. He can hear some distance yelling but otherwise nothing matters as his adrenaline runs wild. It pumps through his veins and he forces himself to move faster. His legs pumping harder, harder, harder. He smiles and looks over at Mark who looks like he's in deep thought. Jack immediately burst into laughter at Marks creased eyebrows, and overall serious facial expressions. He stops and holds up his hand. Laughter boiling over his normal attitude. A smile stretches across his face. Mark stops and gives an even more serious look causing Jack to laugh even more.

           "What?" Mark says narrowing his eyes.

           "Oh nothing Mr. Serious,"Jack says trying to calm himself down.

           "You flipped off the gym teacher," Mark tells Jack.

           "Yeah that guy really pisses me off," Jack answers as they begin to walk again. Mark chuckles. "What?" Jack asks as Mark begins to laugh harder.

          "It's just that it's my first day and I smoke my first cigarette in three months. I skip class to hang out with some guy and I might as well just told the gym teacher to fuck off," Jack smile and laughs. Playfully running his body into Marks causing him to stumble over. Mark returns the favor serving it up with a massive grin. They continue this until they are both doubled over in fits of joy. Jacks laugh bubbles up like the sputtering of a old faucet. While Marks is dark but yet so filled with joy it's almost sickening. They laugh until there sides hurt and they can't breath. Jacks eyes water and he wipes away the brimming water. He can't even remember the last time he laughed this hard. He cant even think it's been in the last year. They gasp for breath as they stumble down the old grass.

"Jesus Christ I haven't laughed like that i-" Jack begins before he accidentally falls over a rock running into Mark and causing himself to fall onto him. They stay there chest to chest as Jack tries to prop himself up.

"Hello," Mark says once Jacks on his elbows. Jacks stomach tightens as he feels Marks breath on his lips. His eyes such a deep brown their almost black but yet they are so beautiful. They sparkle but at the same time almost seem dim. They sit there for moments too long before Mark coughs awkwardly and Jack looks up abruptly. Right he's got to get up. Scrambling up Jack takes a quick glance at Mark before they keep walking side by side. There and then he realizes something... he's fallen deep for Mark Fishbach and he cant pull himself out because he's even sweeter than the sun.

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