Just Like Dad

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    "Semper ad meliora," Jack repeats as Mark hugs him just like his dad. "Semper ad meliora," Mark pulls back and holds a hand against his head. He brushes a whisper piece of hair form Jacks face.

    "You are a mystery Jackaboy," Mark whispers as Jacks eyes stare straight at him.

    "Let's go home," Jack whispers. Turning his head Mark nods and scoots from the seat, leaving a twenty on the table. Praying thats enough for the meal and tips. Jack still sits there however, looking out the window almost in a trance. His eyes glancing over the surroundings. Why was he still sitting there? Suddenly Mark tapped his shoulders and Jack understood. He was going home.

Jack woke up with his head moving up and down to the rhythm of breath. Breathing in deeply he could smell the fresh scent of cheap, motel soap. He shuffles his body closer to the person he knows to be Mark. He feels there legs tangled up and the covers strangle around them both. Jack is curled up on Mark chest and he curls tighter as he remembers the diner.

    He squeezes his eyes shut and tries to forget but he can't. He shoved down each one of those memories until they never existed and he could move on. He made sure he forgot what his mother use to be. He made sure he never thought about why he moved here again and with only his aunt as a real lock to his past no one ever raised and eyebrow at him ever. But then Mark asked and he just couldn't... Everything blurred and all he could see was his mom. His mom. His mom. His mom.

    "Shh Jack I'm here now," Jack didn't know he was heaving out air until Mark pulled him closer. "I'm here," his voice was smooth and soft as he rubbed his back. Jack can't remember the last time anyone said something like that to him.

    "I tried so hard to shove everything down. Forget everything but then you came and now everything is being shoved up again," His voice breaks and his chest heaves again as he tries to hold back his tears, "I just don't understand,"

    "I won't ask again. We don't have to talk about it unless you want to," Mark said his hands now running through Jacks hair. Jack took a deep breath and used Marks shirt to wipe his hands. "My shirts no towel," Mark sarcastically jokes to which Jack thwacks him in the arm, chuckling.

    "We should watch the fourth Jaws," Jack whispers sitting up and leaning against Marks shoulder.

    "It's the last one and we've got it... you wanna?" Mark asks looking over at Jack who can only assume he himself looks awful.

    "Yeah I do," So Mark got up and pushed in the DVD and clicked play. The characters voices beginning to spill from the television and he went back to down. He scooted in next to Jack who rested his head on his shoulder. Jack looks at Marks hand and slowly inches his hand towards it, hesitating but then taking it completely. Marks hand doesn't even hesitate as he enlaces his fingers into Jacks. He smiles a little bit and looks at Jack who smiles right back. Mark turns to the movie but Jack keeps staring, a nagging feeling rising in his gut. He knew why his past was finally catching up with him. He knew it the day he meant Mark.

    Mark was exactly like his dad.

WOO 400 READS AMAZE!!! No but seriously how freaking cool is that? Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the amazing support this story is getting and the readers that come back chapter after chapter I see you and thank you so so so so much! <3 Anyway I have a quickie question. Is me adding so much Latin a annoyance or a fun mystery. I wont get completely rid of it but I might add a what this means at the end of each chapter so you don't got to get translator out or anything. But I also like not doing that but if its a super annoyance I will change it. Just give me a holla. So how was this chapter? I know I know a little shitty but I swear a few good chapters in the days to come. In there next two chapters (probably) we will finally be getting to the point of this story which Im way excited about. So wow this author note is long so anyway as always keep going and thanks for reading!

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