Never Not Ever

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Mark stumbles backward and shaking his head backs and forth. His legs numb and his heart beating faster than he should've let it.

"His death was all my fault!" Jack screams, his body finally breaking. "I kill my dad! I killed him! I killed him! I killed him!" He yells ripping his nails down his arm, leaving red lines. "I killed my only family left," Jack yanks down on his hair. A green tuff comes out of his scalp. "five minutes Mark. I watched for five minutes," his eyes are rabid and Mark keeps backing up until he's pressed against the pickup bed.

"And look at you..." Jack mumbles, his body finally stopping. "Scared of your psycho boyfriend huh? Well Mark guess what? I don't act like I'm worth shit because I'm not. I'm worth even less," Then Jacks knees hit the ground as they give out. Just like his mothers knees when she was sick. Mark rushes over snapping from his trance.

"Did you know that the moment after he died I put the bleach to my lips?" Jacks eyes have calmed now but behind them they're fogged over. Not leaving any Jack left. "I only wish I would've swallowed,"

Letting out a cry Mark wraps Jack in his arms, feeling his limp emotionless body against his. Jacks mind swirls and he can't catch up. He doesn't even feel like he owns his body. He feels like an audience member to his own freak show.
"Darling that wasn't your fault," Mark whispers and Jack shakes his head.

"I could have saved him," he shudders and Mark pulls him back.

"Did you put the bleach to his lips and make him drink?" Jack burrows deep into Marks chest. Might has well have.

"I just let him die,"

"Answer me Jack. Did you make him drink? Did you hand him the bleach bottle?"


"Not buts did you make him drink the bleach?"

"No," Jack mumbles and pulling him even closer Mark rubs a hand down his bare back.

"Then it wasn't your fault,"

"I could've saved him,"

"You can't save everyone Jack," and immediately he feels Jack tense. "And I'm not scared of you. I just have a past too,"

"Just a pair of broken boys are we not?" Jack mumbles after a moment. Mark rests his chin on his head.

"For better or for worse?"

"For better or for worse,"

"Where are you taking me?" Jack asks as he sip on his milkshake. The windows open and the wind blowing in.

"To a place of healing," Mark responds and Jack ponders for a moment.

"A church? Cause my aunt kinda ruined that for me," Jack answers sarcastically and Mark simply shakes his head.

"Only five minutes away Jack," he taunts in a sickly sweet voice.

"Didn't answer my question," he demands and Mark rolls his eyes before reaching over and blaring the radio.

"What! Can't hear you very well! Musics kinda loud," he screams, motioning to his ears and Jack laughs. "Give me shelter, or show me heart," Mark sings loudly at Jack as he drives on the road and grinning Jack can't help but sing along.

"Come on love, come on love," He sings back and Mark shakes his head in a smile.

"Watch me fall apart, watch me fall apart," they both sing and Jack collapses laughing as the next line plays.

"And I'll be yours to keep Jackaboy," Mark sings and Jacks laughing so hard he's sure he's gonna bust a gut.

"God I love ya'," He grins and turning into a parking lot Mark flips off the radio. Jack looks up to see a hair salon and tattoo parlor.

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