Pain and Prayer

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    Mark abruptly stands up practically knocking Jack backward. He wipes his red rimmed eyes and runs hand through his hair.   

    "You need to leave," Mark says turning away. Jack can still hear him sniffing.

    "But Mark-"

    "Leave now!" Mark says turning around. His face rash with hurts and anger. Slightly nodding Jack picks himself up and begins to walk out the door. He pauses before leaving the room entirely. The brisk air leaking cold air into the room as he stands in the doorway.

    "I'm here for you Mark," Jack shuts the door without another word. He stands outside the door unable to move. Jack doesn't know what to do so he just runs.

    "What the fuck is wrong with you?" Jack curls back at the sting of a hard slap. "How could you do this to your family?" Jack backs up and runs into the sharp counter edge. He lets out a cry which causes another slap. "Shes hurt Sean and you do this to her... you are a disgrace," Jack looks down at the floor. Its so dirty and old and cracked. He begins to think back to how he could clean it. His dad said never use plain bleach so he rules that out. His mind circles over and over about the options his dad taught him. He focuses on that instead of anything else. Focuses in on his dads fading voice before he cant drown it out as a belt is unleashed.

    Jack looks up quickly before seeing it come down on his back. He cries out but that only causes more pain and more lashes. He whimpers and looks past his grandmothers legs. A women lays on a mattress. Jacks not even sure if its his mother anymore. His mother wasn't like that. His mother was pretty and happy. This women is cold, dead and ugly. Her sagging skins practically peeling off her face. Jack looks down before a stern hand grips the bottom of his chin turn him to face the old lady in front of him

    "Do penance! Let God wash away your sins," The women mutters through clenched teeth. Jack whimpers as he crawls over too the women. The belts lashes stinging across his back and every move he makes makes them scream. The slaps barely feel like anything.

    Jack crawls to the dead women and kneels. His head face down. His hands help together in prayer. He recites the words like a rhythm. They roll of his tongue and fall to the floor.

    "O pater peccavi ignosce. Peccatum meum in mendacio suo et linivit simulationem. Nihil minus quam ego indignus. O pater est mihi digna relatu. Me novis me mundare. Peel vitam mihi caro. O pater peccavi," The grandmother whips him as he recites the words over and over until his mind contains nothing but pain and prayer.

Yes I don't write these often I only do when I have stuff to say. First off this might be confusing but next chapter it will make more sense. Also I've hinted at something like this. So also ITS LATIN. Thats all I'll say so google translate it. Also I hope you are liking this story and dont worry I will add more septiplier soon. I have two ways I could go with this book and I haven't decide which so as always thanks for reading and keep going

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