Not The End

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    The gravel road crunches against the car tires as the two boys pull into the parking lot. Looking around Jack sees the area is nothing of note worthy. No mountains, no flowers, no large trees, nothing.

    "No offense, by why here? This area isn't anything special," Jack asks as he crawls from the car and goes to retrieve the shovels they bought from the back. Laughing Mark walks right into the grassy patch of random land.

    "You don't see it?" He asks as Jack joins him by his side.

    "Uhh no?" Laughing again Mark points into the distance.

    "Right there," he says guiding Jacks view and suddenly he spots it. A weird messed up car in the really far distance.

    "Why the fuck is there a random car in the middle of the field?"

    "Hell if I know but you better start hiking," Mark comments and Jack turns to him, raising an eyebrow.

    "Wait it's in the car?"

    "Actually it's buried under the car," Mark says correcting him and with a sigh Jack begins to walk.

"Doesn't this seem a small bit humorous to you?" Jack asks after a moment of silence and Mark chuckles.

"Two messed up teens going on a road trip to retrieve a dead mans money? Nah. This is just a regular old day for old pretty boy here," Mark answers sarcastically and Jack simply laughs.

"I love you, you know that right?"

"Yeah, I do know that," Mark answers. Then they walk. The dusty sand kicking up around their ankles. The hot sun shining down.

    Glancing over, Jack looks at Mark. He really doesn't want to leave him. He's fallen so hard for him and he doesn't know if he can drag himself back up. He came in as a stranger who went and changed his life.

    "What's been your favorite part of all this?" Mark randomly asks as Jacks snapped into reality.

    "This trip?" Jack clarifies and Mark nods. "Well facing my inner demons for one," he chuckles but looking over at Mark he knows thats not true. "Falling more in love with you," he answers truthfully and Marks face breaks into a grin.

    "I love you so so much. You know that right?" Mark asks.

    "I just asked you that question a few seconds ago," Jack says jokingly but Marks face turns serious.

    "But do you know that?"

    "Yes. I know that Mark... Is something wrong?" Jack asks getting the feeling of uneasiness.

    "Actually Jack," Mark says stopping as he turns to face him. "There is something wrong," he says his voice breaking and Jack reaches out to touch his shoulder. "I love you so much I'm afraid to let you go. I love you more than everything," Mark breaths in.

    "Jack Mcloughlin I love you more than the stars and the moon combined. I love you more than my words can process. I love the way you smile and how happy you are. I love how you manage to keep hope in the littlest ways even if you're breaking down with guilt. I love how undeniably smart you are. I love the way you say my name when you wake up. I love the jokes you crack. I lov-," Mark tries to go on but Jack cuts him off as he wraps his arms around him.

    "Shh Mark. I know. I know," Jack whispers as he hugs Mark, burrowing his head into his neck. "I know,"

    "I just never want to lose you," Mark whispers as he pulls back. Jack simply smiles as he wipes away his tears with the pad of his thumb.

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