Goodbye Jack

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"Dad I'm home!" Jack yelled as he threw his backpack on the floor. He waited for a response but none came as he walked around the house shouting. "Dad? Where are you?" Jack went around the rooms until he came across his parents bathroom. The light was on under the door. "Dad? You in there? I got a A on that science test," Jack smiled at the thought. His Dad knew that test was hard and he was excited to show his grade. Not hearing a answer Jack placed a hand on the knob. Suddenly Jack sniffed the air when a smell went wafting through his nose. He coughed and covered his mouth. "Dad? Is that... bleach?"

Jack jerked up from his sleeping position. He quickly looked around to see if he woke up anyone. His aunt stayed snoring on her mattress, and well his mom hadn't woken up in years.

"Fuckin' god," Jack murmured as he rubbed his head carful to avoid the swelling of his right eye. He was lucky that his aunt was so tired when he got home, otherwise, he was sure he wouldn't be conscious right now. Sitting up, Jack props himself up with his right arm. He only had gotten a black eye, cut on his forehead and a bruised forearm. "Probably deserved more than that anyway," He whispers to himself as he lays back down on his side, turned towards his mother.

The clock above her read 2 am. His aunt would be up in three hours for her job and to give his mother her daily medicine. Jack glances at the bottle of high powered steroids. She literally would be dead right now if it wasn't for those. One missing dosage and she would die in the next hour or two at most.

Turning away from the clock Jack looks at the ceiling. Mark would be outside his motel in an hour, checked out with his bags, waiting for Jack. Then Robin would meet them at the now closed diner where he would drive them to the highway where they would catch a ride. Jacks shuts his eyes. It seems easy to think about. Walk, drive, catch and go away to Stanford. It all seems so easy but yet doubts still plant a seed in Jacks mind. What if the guys Marks talking about doesn't give the money? What if his aunt goes after them? What if they get killed while out on there own? What if? What if? What if?

Jack flicks his eyelids open. He can't even imagine sleeping right now. Too many thoughts. He rolls on his side again and looks at his mother. Her silhouette looks peaceful in the dark. Her chest raising and falling, raising and falling. Jack wonders if his Dad ever looked at her in the dark. Tired to close his eyes and imagine that it was still her instead of just someone who breaths. When he was a kid he would stare at her and sometimes she would twitch and then he would run and call his dad would get all hyped up with Jack but then months passed and his dad didn't do that anymore. His Dad would nod his head and turn away. Jack found out that that didn't mean anything a few weeks later. He didn't stare at her anymore after that.

His eyes turn up to the clock it was two-thirty now. Thirty minutes passing of just straight thought. He rolled onto his back, trying to shut out everything. His body was so tired while his mind was so awake. Shutting his eyes he goes over his plan. He had packed his bag earlier today when his aunt was out. Stuffed his clothes, a few toiletries, a photo and his guitar over in a corner. His guitar in its sling and everything else throw in the backpack with a coffee can sized space in the front. He still had to get his aunts money.

His aunt kept a Smolders coffee can in front of her bed. Tucked safely in the corner, Jack could see it when he was in his sleeping bag on the floor. He had taken money from it once but learned his lesson when his aunt found out. He missed school for three weeks and from then on she counted the money in the morning and at night. Her smoker voice scratchily counting her bills aloud as she made sure Jack stole none. Every night and every morning she read out nine-hundred and ninety nine dollars all proud like that was some big sum of money. Jack knew it would get him a few gas station food items and maybe a hotel room thats five a night. It was absolutely nothing but she spewed that number like it was her savior for retirement but that number hadn't changed in years upon years.

Jack turns to the clock, two-fifty. His heart flutters at the thought. He was leaving right now. This was the moment that could possibly change his whole future. Slowly crawling up he reaches for his backpack. Shuffling it toward him he scoots off his sleeping bag and rolls that up, shoving it under his arm.

Then he stops moving. He looks at the coffee can and reaches for it. His heart beating so fast he could almost taste it on his tongue. His fingers grasp it and he quickly yanks it toward him. His heart not letting up as he zips up his bag and slings it over his shoulder. The guitar goes over his other shoulder and the sleeping bag stays attached to the backpack. The clock read three.

Jack takes a deep breath and shuts his eyes for a moment. He was hopefully leaving here forever and he was overjoyed but at the same time his heart burned. He looks over at his aunt, he knew he wouldn't miss her but his mom. He cast a sideways look at her body. He was the only one who really loved her anymore and even then he wasn't sure he loved this sack of flesh. Shutting his eyes he takes a deep breath, his mother left a long time ago.

He takes a deep breath and looks down at his mom. Her hair falls over the pillow and she looks beautiful. Reaching over his fingers graze the alarm button on the clock. He looks down at her and he presses the button, shutting off the alarm for five. A soft beep rings out and he doesn't even flinch. On the pillow his mothers eyes twitch. Smiling Jack kneels down to her level. He was use to the normal twitches but this one seemed different. Laying a soft kiss on her forehead Jack smiles.

It seemed like she was saying goodbye.

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