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Jack slide his clothes on carefully that morning but still every movement felt like his skin separating. A tingled burning running across his back as the shirt brushes against it. They were still raw and seeping when he woke up so he had to bandage the lashes on his back. The walk to school was nothing less than painful however he's use to masking the face of hurt.

      "We still on this weekend?" The blonde slides in front of him. Jack wasn't sure he even knew her name.

      "Sorry no," he winces shifting to another foot. The pain on his back searing like red hot irons. Her face falls.

       "Maybe another time?" She messes with her hair and tries to make her eyes bigger. Normally Jack would have been intrigued but he could barely even keep from blacking out.

       "No," is all he says before he pushes her to the side not bothering to turn back and see her broken features. He holds his head down and tries to avoid eye contact with anyone. Mr. Marshall would be looking for him and he couldn't stand to be yelled at even more than last night.  His head can barely focusing on anything and he knew he wouldn't be able to play his way out of this one. Everything was just too fuzzy and confusing.

       Jack jumps as a hands stuck on his shoulder. The hand, even tender still sends him into shock. He whirls around and comes face to face with Mark.

      "Didn't mean to scare you," he says sheepishly tugging on the back of his neck. As much as his heart alights he turns back around, ignoring the comment. He can't think enough to say anything. "Ethan," Mark says as Jack reaches for his Math book. "His name was Ethan," Jack slowly pulls his head up to meet Mark's eyes. "He's the reason I ran," Jack nods solemnly and turns back to grab a random pencil.

       "Come on you can't be like this," Mark says. "I'm sorry okay? I was a jackass and I know that. It's just that no one's asked me about him since..." his voice is soft. Jack stays still, facing his locker.

      "Since what?" Jack knows he's gone without Mark even telling him but Mark doesn't answer.

       "I can't right now," Jack turns to face him looking him right in the eyes.

       "That's okay," he tries to turn his lips into a grin but he knows it looks like a grimace.

       "Let's go to math right? That's what we have next?" He seems so innocent and Jack shakes his head.

      "Yeah it's math," he nods his head in that direction. They walk side by side Jack winces as someone bumps him in the hallway.

      "Hey you good?" Jack nods and puts on his best face. His back flashes in pain more than usual. His grandmother hit harder than she usually did and Jack can feel it. Mark looks over at Jack and smiles before they walk into math. Jack walks to his math teacher, a teacher who he actually really likes.

      "Hey Jack how are you?" Jack smiles and nods.

      "Great," I feel like me skins slowly dripping from my body. "This is Mark Fishbach, he's a new student," Mark smiles and wakes.

      "Oh well hello Mark I'm Mrs. Guen and if you wouldn't mind when class starts could you quickly share some things about yourself,"

      "No not a problem at all," Jack notices that his voice wavers.

      "Okay well I don't do assigned seating so go ahead and take a seat wherever," Mark smiles and Jack leads the way to the back corner. His slides into a seat right next to Jack.

     Jack watches as Mark leans over a scrap piece of paper and doodles. Nothing detailed just a simple face structure. Turning around Jack faces the front chalkboard. His silently sighs at the green, his school was too poor to replace the chalk with white. Wasn't that big of a deal just a little bit of a mess.

     "Yo Jack," Jack quickly turns his head up at the sound of a familiar voice. Felix barrels toward him. "Where were you at lunch?" He asks taking a seat in front of him. Mark looks up and narrows his eyes at Felix who, not to lie, looks intimidating. He has a nose ring, tongue ring and back alley tattoos crawling up his neck. His hair is his natural brown and he has on ripped jeans and a slim white v neck.

     "This is Mark he's a friend of mine," Jack says motioning to Mark. Mark blushes a tipsy pink at the word 'friend'.

     "Mark this is Felix," Felix puts up his hand and lifts an eyebrow.

     "Since when did you meet this fucker?" Felix asks.

     "Felix stop," Jack says his voice drawn. Felix puts up his hands laughing.

     "Sorry to offend you Jacky," He jokes and Marks turned down back to his drawing trying to drown out Felix.

     "I'm not in the mood for your shit and I meant him yesterday. He shadowed me and we skipped," Felix's mouth hangs open.

    "Okay whatever," he says stuffing his hands in his pockets and turning around. Jack leans over to Mark.

    "Ignore him he's all show and no talk. I could beat his face in in an instant," Mark turns his face up and smiles slightly.

    "Okay Jackaboy whatever you say," Mark says jokingly and Jack sits back in his chair. The pain almost numb at this point.

    "You only wish you could do the same pretty boy," Jack says with a smirk right before class begins. Mrs. Guen talks about her night the night before telling a funny story which makes everyone laugh. She always makes everyone laugh. Jack laughs too which causes a twinge to rickashay through his gut.

    "We have a new student," She says making Jacks thought snap into attention. "Mark Fishbach," she points to him causing everyone to turn and look. "Stand up and tell us your favorite subject, what you like to do for fun and where you are from," Jack freezes as he sees Mark twitch at the last question. However he stands anyway and puts on a brave face.

    "I like art class and I draw a lot," his voice is nervously squeaky and everyone's beady little eyes stare at him before someone coughs the word gay. People giggle and Jack's eyes turn to slights glaring at the room before him.

    "Be respectful," Mrs. Guen pushes she looks back at Mark, "where are you from sweetheart?" Mark shakes his head and just sits back down. His head buried into his arms as more people muffle the word gay into their arms. Jack shoots up from his seat on instinct. Everyone quiets.

     "I would shut the fuck up if I were you all," Jack says looking at the crowd. No one says anything. No one messes with Jack. With the combination of his practically gang group of friends and the scars, cuts and bruises that constantly scatter his skin he looked, acted, and was terrifying. Mrs. Guen seals her mouth and sits down. She understood the way of this town and she knew giving punishment would do nothing. She just let Jack shut them up.

       Mark barely looks at Jack as he takes a seat. He just goes back to scrawling across the paper, his movements more feverish like he has to draw to breath. Jack shakes his head and nods, he gets the same way with music.

The rest of Math Jack doesn't get anything done because he's too busy staring at Mark.

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