Sexy Consent

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    Mark scurried out of Math quickly and Jack didn't even have time to stop him. So he walked out alone trying to think a way out of gym. With Mr. Marshall pissed to high heavens and the whipped lashes across his back, there was no way gym was possible. He was already failing anyway so it really didn't matter, quarter was almost over. It was the only class he was failing, Jack was a mostly A student.

Suddenly he felt a hand grab onto his shoulder. Jack stifled a cry and was whipped around by some kid. It was Robin.

"Jack you okay?" Robin was most likely the sweetest of the group gang. Less rough around the edges more smiles. He dressed in flannels and dark jeans, hair slide up. He always looked thrown together but nice nonetheless. Everyone protected him in Jack's group, he was a easy target for fights.

"Yep," he says as Robin removes his hand. "I saw you with that new kid Mark and Felix. He looked really pissed," Jack scrunches his eyebrows, he did?


"Yeah! He was all puffed out and ridiculous. It was pathetic almost... a weak moment for him," Robin says in a joking manner causing Jack to grin. Robin hates Felix. Actually a lot of people do due to his crude remarks but once you get passed that he's buckets of jokes. Just uses that as a shield.

"He didn't cough anything right?" Jack asks and Robin shakes his head no.

"Nah too puffy to do that. But that new kid Mark is he nice? You guys friends?" Robin asked a lot of question sometimes too many at once.

"Yeah we're friends. I like him at lot," They begin walking. Robin had gym with him.

"Wait what?" Robin says stopping, just processing his statement. Jack's back goes rigid. "I mean that's totally cool but what?"

"Platonic Robin, just platonic,"

"Yeah okay," he says smiling. Robin was down with practically everything which made Jack grin too. He suddenly spotted Mark. His head down and he was walking really fast, people whispered. As he went by Jack grabbed his arm and tugged him toward the conversation.

"What are you doing?" Mark mumbles.

"Taking you to gym class and having you meet Robin," Robin smiles and waves. Jack leans in, "Don't worry about Felix he's an ass," Mark smiles as Jack does, seeming to relax.

"Yeah okay," he grins. "I'm Mark," Mark says looking to Robin.

    "Robin," he answers holding out his hand and they shake.

    "He's got gym with you," Jack says. Marks eyebrows burrow down.

    "Don't you mean us?" Robins face grows in a grin and Jack blushes.

    "Oh so you guys are an us? How adorable," Jack pushes him causing him to softly cry out due to the stabbing agony that runs through his back. Mark notices immediately.

    "Jack? You aren't okay what's wrong?" Robin gets concerned too and both immediately stop him from walking.

    "Nothing I just pulled a muscle," Robin and Mark don't look convinced.

    "Tell me," Mark demands and Jack pulls out a wicked grin.

    "Had some wicked self care time and hurt myself," Robins face twist into disgust.

    "Dude TMI Im out," he quickly leaves behind Jack and Mark. Mark rolls his eyes as if to say 'I get you are lying but I wont push'. They walk for a little bit down to gym, Jacks mind wandering past limits. His throat feels thick and he wants to tell Mark so bad but he cant. He wasn't worthy to complain. The lashes were only when he acted out and the prayer was helping him. He deserved it all and he didn't think Mark would understand. No one would. They wouldn't look past child abuse into the realm of his own selfish actions. They would only see the scars on his body and immediately think he needed help when he didn't. Yes the belt hurt but he deserved everything.

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