Warrior Blessing

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Mark and Jack were waiting on the bus seats. Jack cast a glance to the wall, three hours. He still had three hours here with complete strangers all of them the kind of people who ride buses to random states at twelve in the afternoon. So far Jack had counted a old lady all by herself who was knitting. A young twenty something old man with a man bun that was greasy and a child and mother. They looked pretty normal and the child was interesting and Jacks was bored out of his mind so he took to watching them.

The child was a young ethnic girl. Her coarse hair in pink tail braids that flowed down her dress. She was sitting on the tile floor zooming along a hot wheels car. Her mother was watching her fondly. Jack smiled as he watched them. He can't help himself but wonder why they are running. With bags packed heavily and their clothing not cheap he knew that they weren't just traveling.

"You think Oklahoma is hot?" Mark asks suddenly as he rest his head against Jacks shoulder.

"Pretty boy I've been in Iowa and Ohio I literally have no idea," Mark laughs and flicks him in the arm.

"You use to live in Iowa?" Jack shakes his head yes.

"Best Years of my life," He says.

      "What about me?" Mark purses his lips and widens his eyes.

"Besides you pretty boy," Jack chuckles as he pushes Mark off. Mark laughs and criss crosses his legs.

"I remember this bus station," Jack cast him a glance.


"Oh yeah. There was this old women with purple hair who kept on touching my ass," Mark grins and looks at Jack who's laughing.

"You're joking,"

"Nope! She just wanted the goods," Mark says sliding a hand down his waist.

Jack laughs and pushes Mark slightly.

"Seriously where did you use to live?" He asks smiling.

"Neverland," than Jack smacks his arm and Mark laughs. "Fine I use to be in California. Small two bedroom apartment. It was nice, really. Ethan lived across the way and we would race up an down the halls until we got yelled at for a noise complaint," Jack grins and looks off, remembering his old home.

"Iowa was nice too. I had a big backyard. Lots of friends and it was the kind of town where everyone knew everyone but in the good way. I liked it there," Mark snaps his fingers to get Jack back into focus.

"We should go," he says like he can't believe they'd never thought of it before. Jack laughs it off.

"No no we can't. We've got like nine hundred bucks for these tickets and thats it. No detours,"

"Bitch how expensive do you think these tickets are and I've got some cash," Mark pats his backpack before Jack feels a tug on his pant leg.

"Your hair looks like grass," Jack looks down to see the young girl who's abandoned her toys and now is tugging on his leg. He immediately smiles and leans down.

"Thank you and your dress it quite pretty as well. Looks like the sun," She giggles and looks down. Jack looks up to the mother who seems wary. He cast her a kind smile. She seems to relax a little bit.

"Wanna play cars with me?" The girl says looking up suddenly. Her eyes alight with that little kid kid kind of joy and Jack looks up at the mother for permission. She nods her head lightly and Jack turns to Mark.

"Got to play cars pretty boy," Mark laughs and scoots him off the chair.

"Go play dork,"

Jack sits on the floor with the girl as she grabs out a purple car.

"Here this one matches your eye," Jack blushes as he remembers the swollen eye. He completely forgot and then he thinks to Mark. He never said anything. The mother looks ready to scold but Jack puts up a hand. 'Its okay' he mouths.

"Wow this one is cool," Jack says taking it. The girl picks up her red car.
"I like this one," she zooms it across the floor before pausing. "It looks like pretty boys hair," Jack almost burst into laughter as he hears that. She must have picked up on Jacks nickname and mistaken it for his real name.

"Yeah it sure does," He says unable to keep his grin away.

"My names Alma," She says as she continues to push her car across the floor.

"My names Jack," Jack visibly sees the mothers legs stiffen up. The girl freezes and scrunches her eyebrows.

"This isn't the bad Jack right momma?" Alma swivels around and Jack looks up.

"No- no it isn't," Jack freezes as he realizes what they're running from. She smiles and turns to Jack.

"Good. He was a bad bad man. I've got bruises cause of him," Alma says as she lifts the cardigan up. Across her arm is perfect finger marks. The mother begins to speak but Jack stops her.

"I've got bruises too," He says pushing up his jacket to reveal lots of bruises spreading across his pale skin. The mother breaths in a tight breath and looks down at her child.

"I don't just got bruises but that's why we're leaving," Alma looks up at Jack and he sees tears well up in her eyes. "Jack was scary. He would hurt me at night. Crawl into my bed and do things. It hurt real bad," Alma now had tears dripping down her tanned skin. The mother was gripping her bag so tight her knuckles went white. She looked like she wanted to do something but was frozen in spot.

"Shh," Jack whispers as he puts his hand down on the ground in front of her. "I've got a Jack at home too. But we can't let our Jacks win now can we? We are strong. Really strong aren't we?" Alma wipes some tears and points to her leg.

"I've got these marks and momma said they wont fade," She points down to her leg where Jack sees a scar running down her leg in a jagged line. Jack lifts the edge of his shirt and shows her his scars. Even if Jack only lifts a small portion you can still see the thick gashes and scars that look like they run deep.

"I've got marks too," Behind him he hears Mark gasp and the mother had begun to cry. "You know what that makes us?" Alma shakes her head. "Warriors. Strong warriors," he whispers as he drops his shirt. Alma runs to Jack and wraps her hands around his waist. She squeezes tight and Jack feels her wet tears on his shirt. Behind him the mother is almost sobbing.

"God bless," she whispers and Jack nods. God bless.

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