Against My Past

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      Jack and Mark walk back together, extremely close. Sitting down Mark flashes a smile at Nates mom figuring she'd be more sympathetic.

"You guys know of the best walking route to Mount Vernon?" He asks batting his eyelashes and clicking his tongue.

"You don't plan on walking do you?" The mother flashes them nervous eyes.

"Got to get there somehow but you know pretty boy? We could hitchhike," Jack suggest and Mark nods. Nate narrows his eyes, catching on to their trick.

"Kinda dangerous but if push comes to shove then..." At that point Nates mothers face has gone beat red.

"Nates going back in a few hours. You can hitch a ride with him," She nudges Nate and offers a grin. "Right Nate?"

"Yep. Thats fine," He answers, a tight smile worn across his features. "Just fine,"

"Well perfect. I'm going to go get a few snacks and Jack?" She asks and Jack jerks his head up from looking at Mark. "You still likes cookies?" A grin sketches itself on his face.

"Some things never change," he answers.

The red minivan went chuckling along the highway. Cars zooming past faster than you could count. Nate had the radio on some kind of shitty rap station with rap artists who do practically nothing but speak slowly to a beat. He was tapping along to the beat while humming away. A deep hole builds as he remembers Robins, also very shitty I may add, country music. That blared through his beat up blue pickup despite the protest from everyone else. 'Driver picks the music' he'd shout as he just turned up the volume louder. Jack turns to the window. Mark had fallen asleep on his shoulder in the back seat. Jack had tried to sleep but wasn't able to with the only two hour drive ahead to his past. A past he tried so hard to forget.

"You're different," Nate says suddenly as he peers back at Jack.


"You're not the same guy. Different," he states again and Jack rolls his eyes, turning back to the window.

"I am?" He chuckles and Nate laughs back.
"Green hair. Black eye, that you definitely didn't get from a few steps. I mean just look at yourself dude. Not the same kid I knew. That kid would cry at pressure but this kid," he says pointing back at him. "This kid takes risk," Jack swallows thickly.

"New surroundings and stuff. Ohio was a lot different than Mount Vernon and I had to adapt. It was that or never really breath," Jack states and he looks up at Nate.

"You ever get Kelly Vega?" He asks and Nate laughs immediately.

"You remember her?" Jack nods with a grin on his face. "Well yeah I did actually. We've been dating since eight grade,"

"See told you she liked ya'," Jack jokes and then Nate clears his throat. He focuses his eyes on the road and takes a deep breath.

"You and Mark huh?"

"Me and Mark what?" Nate takes a double check on Mark and takes another deep breath. "Don't make this more awkward," Jack says and Nate sorta smiles.

"You and him are together right? Together Together," Jack intakes a sharp breath and squeeze onto Marks hand.

"Thats up for debate but its smudged,"

"By the way I acted like a dick earlier and I'm sorry. You didn't deserve that," Nates voice cracks but Jack offers a comforting smile.

       "Its okay," Jack turns his head to the window. He watches the moon shine and the stars shine. He intakes breath and leans his head against the cold glass, aware of the feeling of Marks hand in his. Since they started this journey it seems they've never stopped holding hands. Never stopped being one together. Them against the past.

       "Where are you actually going?" Nates voice is quite, possibly even timid. Taking a deep breath Jack focuses on Marks hand.

       "I don't know,"

       And that was the truth.

Sorry this chapter is so fricken short. I feel guilty and I'm not even sure these past chapters have been all that good. Like I'm okay with them but not proud. So honestly I'm not giving up on this story and won't until it's finished (that would be a dick move if I did). But I'm going to be working pretty hard on these next few chapters leading up to the end. Don't worry we still got a lot left though. Might take longer? I don't even know. Sorry. I'm going to try and put my best foot forward and work really hard to put my best work out. But seriously how was this chapter. If it was shit TELL ME. GIVE ME FEEDBACK. I got thick skin. I can handle it and I'll take it to heart. So anyway as always, thanks for reading and keep going.

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