We Finish Them

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Jack held up his red solo cup to avoid it spilling as he scanned the crowd for a red haired boy. Jack offered to take him but Mark insisted that he could get there himself no matter how much Jack insisted.

So now here he was. In the dusty pit thick with sweaty teenagers. Jack could swear that every single teen in the town was at the pit, grinding, kissing, smoking and dancing. This party was doing it all and the teens were joining in.

Jack pushed someone out of his way as he brushed out of the pit and scaled his way out of the dirty mound. He had checked almost everywhere and Mark was no where to be seen. Had he stood him up? Shaking his head Jack shakes of that feeling and decides to check the last place he knew, the gas station. A few stragglers were already on their way over so Jack just followed them. His mind wanders as he kicks at the dirty ground. He had kissed Mark and then he ran but then they talked a lot and even... flirted. No they were suppose to be hanging at this party together but he's no where to be seen. Suddenly a hand grips his shoulder.

"Hey Jack!" Jack looks to see its Robin.

"Oh hey whats up?" Jack says slightly disappointed it wasn't Mark.

"Nothing just heading to the gas station for some refills on the punch," Robin puts finger parenthesis around punch. The punch was more or less Capri Sun, some lime soda and whatever alcohol someone could get. It ran out often and the last person to take the cup and to go get more.

"Oh yeah," Jack says laughing as he swishes around his cup. "By the way you seen Mark?"  Robin thinks for a moment before shaking his head.

"No I haven't actually. Thought he walked with you down here,"

"Nah said he could walk himself 'didn't want to trouble me'," Jack quotes causing Robin to laugh. They walk in silence for a bit letting the loud music to waqash over them both.

"So..." Robin says dragging out the so. "You and Mark huh,"

"Me and Mark what?" Jack chuckles.

"Oh nothing its just that you guys were a total couple at lunch," Robin says frustrated. Jack blushes and rolls his eyes, thankful for the dark.

"Yeah okay," Jack says sarcastically.

"Yeah okay my ass. Everyone noticed just no one dared to say anything,"

"Too afraid for me to kick there ass," Jack tests.

"Pretty mu-" Jack silences Robin as he hears a scream. A few other people hear it too but no one does anything. Jack freezes and waits for it again. "Its most likely-"

"Shut up," Jack growls as he perks up his ears and listens close. It comes again and this time Jack takes off running. His feet pound against the dirt and he hears Robin cuss at him but doesn't follow. Jack moves his arms quick and the moment he hears it again he veers that direction. Coming around the gas station he sees a two shadowed figures beating up a figure kneeled on the ground. He moves quicker as his sees red glint on the back lights.

He slows when he gets to the side of the building. He hears moaning and sickening laughter. Turning the corner he faces the backs of the two figures. He immediately sneaks up behind on of them and knees them in the back. They wheeze and there partner catches a peek of Jack and turns on there heel. He doesn't see his face as he focuses on the one he kneed.

He wraps his arm around their neck and holds them hostage against his chest. They knee him in his package but doing get a chance to run as Jack nails them in the nose causing them to cry out. Taking the chance Jack pins them to the wall. Knee on their package and arm on there neck. Only then does he see the face. Its Felix. A bloodied Felix with whats most likely a broken nose. He looks down and confirms the victim is Mark.

"You got me to invite him so you could beat him up," Jack mutters, his voice drenched in rage. Felix laughs.

"Nothing but a joke. We beat people up all the time," He spits blood on Jacks face that doesn't even make Jack flinch.

"He's my friend and besides we don't start fights. We finish them. Those are the rules," Felix laughs.

"The rules? Well it looks like Mark couldn't finish the fight so I did," Jack uses his one free hand to punch Felix in the face. He immediately seizes up.

"He didn't even start it and by the way I finished it," Felix blinks his eyes to stay conscious. "If I ever see you near him again I will beat you senseless," Jacks voice is low, almost rabid.

"Thats a promise,"





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