The Pit

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"Consent can be sexy pretty boy," Jacks voice is low and ruff. He presses his lips against Marks again and finally pulls back completely. Mark sits there confused before turning and sprinting off without one word. Jack sighs and sits down at the drum chair again. He pulls his knees to his chest. God this was a mistake. A massive mistake. This town kills anyone who shows any homosexual tendencies. Mark probably hates him now.
"Hey Jack?" a slight cough comes from the door. He doesn't look up and just burrows his head farther in his knees. He didn't want to talk to Felix. "I saw that kid Mark run out of here and figured that you'd be in here too," Jack doesn't answer before standing up and shoving Felix out of the way. He quickly catches up.
"I get you are probably pissed but I'm having a party. You should come and take that Mark kid," Jack stops and looks right at Felix. "Ya' know? Do over?" Felix holds up his hands in a sympathetically joking manner. This was the closet he could get to an apoplogy.

"Okay fine," Jack smiles softly. "Who all coming?" Jack asks.

      "All the gang and pretty much everyone else. It's in the pit," Jacks smile grows. The pit... God Felix hadn't had a party in the pit in forever.

       The pit was a carter in the ground.  Mostly dirt and in the middle of no where, close to no on, besides this gas station that made its money on drunk and high kids with the munchies. Felix use to have parties there all of the time.

       "I'll be there," Jack finally says smiling. "Tonight?" He questions.

       "Tonight," Felix confirms.

       The lunch room was crowded and smelled like a musty old car. His table had all of his friends sitting at it. Robin, Felix, Bob, and Wade, they all were laughing. Jack dragged his feet to his table plastering on a smile. He swings into the bench right next to Robin.

        "Wow look mystery man is here," Bob jokes causing Jack to roll his eyes.

        "You coming to the pit?" Wade asks as he picks at the school lunch.

        "Hell yeah!" Jack says loudly and quite frankly, very forced. Robin gives him a weird look but moves on and goes back to eating his food. A rock shifts in Jacks stomach as he looks down at the table. He cant shake the feeling of Marks lips on his. It felt so right and... good, but he ran off. He didn't like it.

"Jack?' Robin says his voice low enough that only Jack could here it. He looks to Robin his lips in a tight smile.

"I'm good Robin," Jack says not even waiting for the next statement. Robin was the one person who knew when Jack was upset.

Soon everyone was enveloped in a conversation of who would be at the pit. Jack, however, wasn't listening. His mind elsewhere as they argued. His eyes glued to the cafeteria doors. Mark had to come through those, he had to. Jack wasn't sure what he would do when he did but he had to see him at least. Suddenly, a red haired boy pushed through the doors. He looked... nervous?

Jack immediately pushed himself up and danced his way through the crowd. His mind taking over without his consent. Jack put a light hand on Marks shoulder causing him to whip around, a wild look in his eyes that disappeared when he saw Jack. Jacks heart melts as he sees his face. It has a bruise bloomed across his cheek. Mark turns his face away but Jack doesn't let him as he pulls him out of the crowd to the outer edge.

"Who did this?" He lightly puts his hand out and traces along the bruises edge. Mark winces and looks down. "Mark?"

"I- I don't know," he whispers finally, his voice so quiet that Jack can barely hear.

"Oh Mark," Jack breaths out and all he wants to do his hug him. Wrap his arms around his body and protect him. Protect him from all of the bruises to come.

"I was just outside the school..." Mark begins, his voice quivering.

"Why?" Mark looks up.

"Smoking your Camels," he says sheepishly which Jack smiles to as if to say 'that's okay'. "And these two guys came over to me and punched me," Mark continues. "Yelling that I was a 'fucking queer'. They ran off after I nailed one of them in the face. I know they were bleeding pretty bad," Jack smiles sympathetically.

"Well between the two of use I'm pretty sure we can fuck up anyone who messes with us. Make sure they can't walk to next day," Mark grins lightly.

"We'll show them huh,"

"Fuck yeah," Jack says grinning and for a moment he thinks they'll kiss again but the lunchroom is full and everyone will see, so, he pulls back, no matter how much it burns. "Come sit with us and Felix told me he's sorry for hurting your feelings," Marks eyebrows raise.

"Did he?"

"No not really...but he invited me to a party and told me to invite you while also saying do over so thats a Felix apology," Jack grins and Mark grins back.

"I'll take it," Mark says as Jack slides into the bench Mark right beside him.

"Who's this?" Bob and Wade ask at the same time.

"This is Mark and he's sitting with us and if you don't like that, then find a new seat," Jack states causing Mark to laugh. Jack can feel him against his side.

"Not a good way to make me seem very kind is it Jackaboy?" Mark jokes.

"Well pretty boy you are sort of an ass so I guess its fit," Jack laughs and Mark elbows him. Jack ruffles his hair causing Mark to laugh again. Rolling his eyes Jack looks up and sees everyone confused. "What?" He asks and Robin leans in.

"Platonic huh?"

"Stuff it,"

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