I Feel...

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Jack was loosing hope. It was three in the morning and they had been out for hours. They checked the bus station. They checked the park benches. They checked the sidewalks. They had checked everywhere.

"Maybe he left Jack," Emma says softly as she drives in the circle for the fifth time that night. Jack takes a shaky breath.

"He can't be gone. He just can't," He mumbles and Emma stops the car.

"We could go back you know? To Nates house and finish that movie,"
"No we can't just 'go back'. I don't belong here. With any of you. I'm different and I know that. I have green hair. I have scars and bruises and I definitely can't just sit and watch movies every Friday to hope and melt away everything thing that happened before," Jack huffs and taking a deep breath Emma steps on the gas pedal. The car alights with power and off they go driving again.

        "Do you know a place he would go to?" She asks turning down a corner off towards the more remote part of town. A key turning in his mind he almost slaps himself.

        "Remember that church you showed me when my mom got diagnosed the first time?" She shakes her head yes. "I took him there a few nights ago to sleep and- and oh my god," Jack shoves his head into his hands. Mark threw his pills in that grass. What of he picked them up and took them?

"What is it?" Emma says as she does a quick uturn to head to the church.

"Ma-Mar- Mark was suicidal and- Oh god Emma please drive quickly," Jacks voice breaks and he feels tears in his eyes that he presses back. Suddenly Emma florets as she cusses under her breath and the car goes rocketing forward. The motor growls and their bodies fly forward. What if he's already dead? What if he was laying on the ground dying as Jack watched a pathetic movie? What if he gets there and vomits dried on his shirt and his eyes are bloodshot and he's gone? What if he can't save him like his-

"I'm almost there Jack," Emma says as she whips around a corner and Jack begins to recognize the surroundings. "No more than a few minutes,"

Those few minutes passed like hours and when the church came into view Jack almost threw up. But opening the car door he sprinted out and Emma hadn't even parked it yet. His eyes set stone and his body ridged.

"Mark!" He was slumped out front. His red hair flopped forward as a bottle layer next to him. "Are you okay?" Jack slides down and begins to shake him. Getting no response he presses his head against his chest and letting out a breath of relief he hears a steady heartbeat. This time he knows what to do.

"Is he okay? Did he take anything?" Emma asks rushing forward and Jack, who's still kneeled beside him, looks around for any sign of an overdose. His hands moving meticulously over everything knows he has to check, almost robotic.

"I don't see any pills," Jack states and he opens Marks mouth to see if there's any residue on his tongue. It shows clean and then he listens for gurgling, and or, snoring. He finds none.

"Should I call an ambulance?" She asks beside Jack. Pressing two fingers to his neck he feels a regular pulse. Doing a quick check of breathing he notes its all fine. Letting out a cry he falls down, allowing himself to feel again.

"He's okay. Marks okay," his whispers as the soaking wet grass soaks through his jeans.

"Why is he unconscious? I think we should still call someone," Emma questions hesitantly.

"No. Mark just drank too much. He's fine," Jack breaths out as he tries to focus. He can't break now. Not in front of Emma. Not when Marks like this. Jack tries to take a deep breath but he feels his body float and disappear.

"Five things I see," Jack mumbles to himself and he looks up to see grass, Emma, Mark, trees, a car. "Four things I feel," He mumbles again. "I feel grass," He says aloud this time as he runs his hands along the greenery. "I feel clothe. I feel my shoes. I feel the wet air," His says as he tries to force his body back to earth. Emma asks something but her voice turns to swirls as he forces on his task. "Three things I hear," He poses and listens closely. "I hear my breathing. I hear Emma speaking. I hear the wind," Slowly he feels his body come back to earth and regain stability but he finishes anyway with two things he can smell and one thing he can taste.

Opening his eyes he focus on Mark. He can't let his body float away again. He can't loose control like that ever again. Especially in a situation like this.

"Jack?" Emma hesitates and Jack nods his head in acknowledgment. "Are you okay if I leave you alone? I want to get your bags from Ohms house," She touches his shoulder lightly and he nods again.

"Yes and by the way Emma?" He asks swirling around. "Thanks a lot," Her lips turn upward and she nods her head before he allows her to turn and go. He watches the car fade into the distance.

"I'm back pretty boy," Jack whispers crawling into Marks lap. Even in his drunken coma he still looks pretty. "Also I don't think I can take another bus. I'm sick of them. With the sweaty hands and sitting for seven hours I just don't know if I can," Mark doesn't respond but Jack sees he's breathing and he takes that as his cue to continue speaking. "I think you're gorgeous," He whispers. "And I don't know why I ever left... actually... I do. I left because Ohm promised me a future but honestly there wasn't a future with him but with you? Boy am I in for a ride to my future with you," Mark continues to breath. Smiling for the first time that night Jack flutters his eyes shut.

He feels the rain soaking through to his legs. He feels Marks legs under his head. He feels happy but mostly he feels like he could stop the world. Clearing his throat he opens his mouth to sing and sing he does.

"Vox nihili, Vox populi,"

This time, the song was sung with joy.

WOOP this story is doing better than I ever expected so thank you all but mostly how are you liking it? I want to know the truth and I fear that its dragging on too long and I need your guys opinions. I wont end it abruptly and I will of course finish it but is out dragging on to long? If not tell me that too! HAve and suggestions? Tell me! Have predictions? Predict them! I love hearing those. So anyway guys thanks for reading and the usual keep going.

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