I Tried

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Jack pushes Felix away and he runs away like a child afraid of the dark. Jack doesn't turn to Mark until he's long gone and not a sound of anything remains. He kneels down and lays a tender hand on his back. Jack's heart shattering as he flinches and curls himself tighter, a slight whimper escaping his lips. Jack breaths in a breath of fresh air and keeps himself from getting overwhelmingly upset.

"Mark I'm here," Jack whispers, "I've got you. Jacks got you," Jack grabs Mark and pulls him to his chest. His body shakes but not because he's crying but because he's afraid. He rubs a hand on his back and whispers calming words. "I'm here Mark. I've got you," Jack feels Marks tears soak through his maroon shirt. "They won't hurt you again. I won't let them," Jack rocks back and forth as he holds Mark. He shuts his eyes and lets the darkness wash over him as he feels the pressure of Mark on his chest. His shaking doesn't stop as he intakes a sharp, shuddering breath.

"I tried to fight back," he mumbles, his voice cracking. "But they- they," Marks voice is almost frantic before Jack shooshes him.

"Shhh Mark. They can't hurt you anymore," Jack whispers. Mark tries to speak agin but the words are too thick and the memories are still too fresh. Jack pulls back Mark to get a good look at his face. He cringes as he sees blood, so much blood.

His lips is swollen and busted open causing blood to crease around the edges. A big bruise spreads around the area. Purple, yellow and red run over his left eye, causing it to be shut up completely and the bruise dust over to his right eye. A long cut tears through his forehead that oozes deep red thats getting into his already irritated eye. Jack hugs him to his chest again.

"Tell me what else hurts," Mark stifles out a cry.

Mark doesn't say anything else. Jack hugs him lightly, trying not to hurt him anymore and slowly pulls him up. Using his body as a support but even then they still stumble. Mark can't put pressure on anything and it closer to blacking out than humanly possible. He's practically dead wait and Jacks struggling but he won't let Mark fall.

They stumble through the mostly dark and come around the gas station corner. Mark moans as they hit a rock and tumble a little bit.

"It's okay Mark I've got you. I'll fix you up," Suddenly yelling comes up from the gas station.

"Oh my god Jack! Is that Mark?" Jack looks to see the whole gang, minus Felix. They run toward him and Robin takes the other side of Mark reliving pressure off of him.

"Who the fuck did this?" Wade asks tightening his fist, ready to fight.

"Felix," Jack stumbles out. "He just attacked him. Mark didn't do anything," His words get a little bit panicked and he has to take a deep breath to clam himself down. He has to stay strong for Mark.

"Felix?" Robin asks which Jack nods. "He beat up Mark? Like this?"

"Jesus this is really bad," Bob adds in. Jack gulps and shakes his head.

"We don't ever beat people up like this. This was like he was trying to kill him," Wade says to which everyone agrees.

"I'm taking him back to his room so I can help him," Jack adds.

"He looks like he needs a hospital," Wade in interferes to which Jack shakes his head no.

"Thats too much money and Marks here alone. Even if we pitched in money we couldn't do anything," Jack looks over to see red shine in the dim lights. "I'm good at the medical stuff,"

"I can help," Robin says in support. "You know on taking him back to his house,"

"We can go get some medical supplies," Bob and Wade suggest which everyone agrees to.

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