why arthur doesn't have tumblr.

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It's been a few days since Arthur has first made his tumblr account (due to Alfred practically begging him to get one) and so far, he's not liking the blogs that have decided to drop a follow.

"Bollocks! Another one?!" The sandy blonde exclaimed as he went through his notifications.

"Hm?" Apparently, his outburst attracted the attention of Alfred, an idiotic American he knew (aka his boyfriend).

"How many bloody porn blogs are there on this website?!" Arthur continued ranting as Alfred listened in, confused as hell.

"What are you even doing?" Alfred tried asking only to be interrupted by Arthur.

"This is the seventh one this week!"

"Seventh what? Porn blog? Dude, I know that it's normal for you but I'm in the same room."

"And their usernames are so pathetic and obvious too! Ugh don't get me started on their profile pictures!"

"I will repeat, I'm in the same room. Stop talking about how many porn blogs you've stalked."

"Like this one here! Their picture is literally a close up of someone's dick!"

"Okay! Arthur, get off that computer and clear that search history." The American stood up to try and snatch the laptop away from the Brit only to trip over his foot.

"Fuck!" He exclaimed as he landed face first into the carpet below him.

"Exactly! That's all that ever happens on these bloody blogs!"

"Arthur! What are you even ranting about?!" Alfred exclaimed exasperated, (finally) snapping Arthur out of his trance.

"Alfred, why did I ever agree to make a tumblr blog? These porn blogs keep on following me."

"...Oh, I thought you were the one following them." The response he got was silence from his boyfriend, only to receive a knock on the head by Arthur's slipper.

"You plonker, I'm not that perverted!"

Word count: 283 

"Person A is always complaining about porn blogs following them, while Person B doesn't know what they're talking about."
Written by: @unadult  

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