A Lovely Night

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WARNING: Everything happens in the ending, bear through the beginning.
February 14. Arthur thought to himself as he walked up the stairs to his apartment. He absolutely hates February the 14 because of that one dreadful holiday that shouldn't exist. Valentines Day.

It's not that he had anything against it... no wait, he did. He despised how everyone was always so... happy on that day, with or without a date. He would walk into a mall to see couples kissing, sharing ice cream or take pictures together. His Snapchat would be spammed with those seasonal filters and just everywhere he went... hearts, hearts, HEARTS! Bright, red and pink hearts or roses filled the streets and the walls- hell even the library did something related to that day! Valentines Day even changed his views on bears! He just didn't like the day.

"Stupid Sant Valetines Day... why does it even exist? It's bloody useless! All it celebrates is love and it's just... stupid!" He silently ranted to himself, unlocking the door to his apartment. Slamming it shut, Arthur sulkily walked to the couch and plopped down, wondering what to do on this night. He settled on watching TV.

But just as he was about to open the TV, someone practically barged in causing him to shriek in horror.

"Ah! Pardon me Arthur for startling you! But what are you doing by yourself on Saint Valentines?" It was Francis...

"You bloody frog! What makes you think you can just barge into my apartment and ask me a stupid question about my well being?! But if you must know, I was just about to watch the TV because Valetines Day is stupid and it's just a normal day."

"Why I am hurt! How dare you insult the day of love?"

"I don't like it, it's just not my cup of tea... please leave my house."

"Tsk tsk, Arthur, Arthur, Arthur... mon ami, you must at least treat yourself to dinner if you are by yourself on this day." Arthur scrunched up his nose in confusion.

"Treat myself to dinner? That is very... sad."

"Oui, very sad indeed. But, it is the sad reality for old single men living in cheap apartments."

"Oi watch your words there, I take offense to that, frog."

"Yes, yes, now get dressed! Most couples must have made reservations so there isn't much time!" The next thing he knew, Francis was pushing him towards his closet and started pulling out a whole bunch of suits.

"What are you do- be careful with that one! It's expensive! Ah that's the wedding suit, don't touch it! That one is for funerals! Be careful with the brown ones! They were my father's... you bloody-"

"Aha! This one is perfect! Green, like your eyes."

"...Stop flirting with me." He snapped, looking over the pile of the suits that were on his bed. Making sure none were ruined, Arthur was then led to the bathroom where Francis gave him the chosen suit and slammed the door.

"I'll handle the shoes and tie! You just get your suit!" The Briton scoffed, putting the suit on, he took a moment to admire himself in the mirror. Maybe he did hate this day but he did look good in a suit.

"I should wear these more often..." He murmured.

"Arthur! It's 6:55! Chop chop!"

It took a while for Arthur to get ready, from choosing his ties to styling his hair (then realizing it looked better messy), he never knew how much time it took to get ready for a date... with yourself. He would be lying if he said he wasn't disappointed that he was getting ready for a lonely dinner but that's just how the muffin crumbles sometimes.

When he arrived at the restaurant Francis recommended he was a bit surprised with how... plain it looked. No hearts, flowers or anything. Just fairy lights hanging on trees and beautifully decorated tables. Taking an empty seat on the balcony, he waited for a waiter to come by with the menu.

"Arthur?" Said person looked around to see who's voice it belonged to when he heard someone call his name again.

"Arthur! You're actually outside on Valentines Day! What a shock, much wow." He turned to see Alfred, sitting at a neighboring table with a young lady. Probably his date. He thought to himself.

"Ah yes, Francis forced me to have dinner outside."

"Francis? What- are you two on a date?"

"What?! No- god heavens no! I'm here treating myself to dinner."

"That's sad dude." Arthur nodded.

"How about you? Are you on a date?" He asked curious to see who this woman was. She had bright blonde hair that reached her shoulders, crystal-like blue eyes and was wearing a sparkly blue dress.

"Ah forgot to mention! Artie meet my cousin Amelia! She's visiting here from America and I thought it would be nice to celebrate VD with her!" Alfred flashed a smile as Amelia cheerfully greeted the British man.

"Nice to meet you Amelia, Alfred's never mentioned you before."

"Whaat? Alfie ya dork! How could you not mention me to your boyfriend?"

"WHAT?!" Arthur and Alfred exclaimed simultaneously, faces heating up as Alfred choked on air.

"I'm just kidding! You thought I was serious? But you two should date, you look good together- oh! Food's here! Arthur wanna join us?" Said man blinked, ‍‍confused as to why Amelia would say such things then act as if nothing happened. Shrugging it off, he accepted the offer and shuffled over to their table.

Time passed and eventually, Amelia had to leave. Alfred insisted on taking her back to his house but she declined, saying how she didn't want to 'ruin his chances' before taking off, leaving the two men behind.

"Amelia does act like you." Arthur said, Alfred nodded.

"Yeah- I was surprised she wasn't my secret twin or something. But we are in the same family so yeah..." The conversation afterwards just consisted of awkward questions and silences.

"Ah but it's getting late, I think I should um... go." Arthur stood up, the American standing up as well soon after.

They started walking out of the restaurant when Alfred looked over at the Briton.

"...Arthur..." He started.

"That is my name."

"It's a nice night ain't it?" He looked up and saw how clear the night sky was, littered with specks of stars alongside the moon.

"It is... wish it was always this pretty." They started walking to an empty bench near a streetlight that bordered the edge of the hill.

"Maybe that's why couples like having dinner this night, don't wanna waste it on staying indoors?"

"Yeah, possibly... but I still don't like Valentines Day. It's such a lovely night but people waste it on looking at each other." He faced Alfred as he said this.

"They do... you look really nice." Alfred breathed, causing the Brit's cheeks to go pink.

"Th-thank you... you don't look too bad yourself." They didn't realized that they were inching closer to each other.

"'Course I do, I'm beautiful as hell... hey Artie?" He could feel the other's breath on their lips.

"Don't call me that but what?"

"...I wouldn't mind wasting tonight looking at you." Green eyes met blue when he leaned in and kissed Alfred. His lips were warm and soft, pulling away after a few seconds, they stared into each other's eyes.

"I guess I wouldn't mind it either."

Word Count: 1235

{Ughhh this song is just so pretty! I don't like soundtracks but 'La La Land' has such a beautiful soundtrack! I definitely recommend the movie!!! Also quick VD special since I haven't updated in forever. I may draw something related to this because I do like the ending, hope this is okay for you people!}


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