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My apologies if this seems rushed (it was). This story is veeeery personal to me and I had a hard time writing it and it's really just my stress reliever so I didn't put my all into it, sorry.

'Stress is normal, you're fine.' Alfred would tell himself for the tenth time that minute.

He was currently sitting on his bed hugging himself as he felt tears rush down his face. They weren't sad tears nor angry tears- maybe they were one of them- he didn't know. But he did know that he had to fix it.

If anyone asked Alfred what he was going through, he'd either say 'nothing' or 'something' because in all honesty he had no idea. Just suddenly he started feeling nervous and started crying for no reason. It wasn't that he was depressed or anything, he didn't know what it was.

But the feeling was horrible.

He'd feel a pressure on his shoulders pushing him down to one subject while grasping onto another. He'd feel himself suddenly gasp for air as he starts choking out tears and whenever someone found him he'd stutter over an excuse of a reason he didn't know. He was a mess.

And he didn't know why.


"Alfred are you alright?" The American turned to see Kiku with a concerned expression. "You spaced out for a few minutes."

"O-oh sorry! Was just thinking..." Kiku nodded as Alfred gave him a shaky smile.

Alfred looked down at his burger, suddenly not feeling very hungry anymore. But forcing himself to eat, he felt a small pang of guilt that he lied to Kiku. But he had no other choice, besides telling him and having him worry over something that wasn't a big deal. He knew he'd just wake up feeling better anyway, why waste Kiku's time?

Of course Alfred knew that wasn't it but he just didn't feel like he had a need to explain his problems. He didn't feel like ruining the mood with his crap that wasn't even serious. Many others had it worse than some unknown crying incidents. He also knew that in a few minutes, something was going to happen and he would feel better, even if it was just a cycle leading  back to the same moment.

Alfred didn't want Kiku or anyone to know, to be concerned, to be worried, only for their worrying to be useless to him. Because it was going to happen again, and he'd just have to deal with it whether he wanted to or not.

"Ah, Alfred. I forgot to return Arthur's book last period, could you do that for me next lesson? You both have French right?"

"Hm? Oh yeah sure!" Giving Kiku a big smile, the bell decided to ring at that moment and everyone was soon scurrying back to their classrooms. Alfred included, with Arthur's book.


"Psst, Arthur! Here's your book."

"Do your work Alfred!"

"Aw don't be like that, here's your book that Kiku borrowed," he slid the book across the table.

Arthur took it gingerly, "Oh, thank you... now do your work!" Alfred rolled his eyes and turned back to his paper.

A couple minutes later he spoke again, "hey Arthur?"


"Do you..." he didn't know what he wanted to say in the first place. Why did he call him? Arthur looked at him with an eyebrow raised, "um... do you wanna come over to my place after school?"

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