untitled. 8

316 17 2

(Self indulging fluff)

"I'm dead."

"You're not dead."

"Mm... yes I am."

Arthur shook his head and smiled softly, continuing to run his fingers through the soft golden locks. It's been an hour since he's picked Alfred up from the airport and he's been struggling with keeping him awake.

"Don't fall asleep, love."

"''m trying not to... I should've taken a night plane..." Alfred grumbled, yawning afterwards.

"Maybe, but you're here now, how do you feel?"


The Brit rolled his eyes. "Well I can see that."

"Can't I just sleep for 30 minutes?"



"No, it'll ruin your sleep schedule."

"But it's so early! It's 10 in the morning, how am I supposed to stay up until night?"

Arthur pondered for a moment before tapping on his shoulder, indicating Alfred to sit up. Once he did, Arthur hugged him and kissed his cheek.

"We could go out," he suggested.

"Where? I've already seen the places to be."

"Anywhere, just to keep you awake."

Alfred gave him a tired smile and say up. Stretching a little, he grabbed his jacket and waited for Arthur near the front door. When Arthur followed, they exited the apartment and locked the door.

"So where are we going?"

Word Count: 201

{purely self indulging fluff with a tired Alfred. I haven't been writing much but I'm gonna be submitting 2 writing works for the usukustwiceperyear "recovery is possible" event so that should be out after February. I'll try and get something lengthy out in between tho, keyword try.}


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